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Nadurra Alvaro tipped for success in BAGS Track Championship Final Standard Div B
Nadurra Alvaro is going to pose a serious threat to his opponents in the BAGS Track Championship Final Standard Div B at Perry Barr in Ireland on Sunday, December 23, 2012. He has managed to win quite a few events since making his debut in the sport, so it will not be easy for his rivals to stop him from finishing on top of the table in the Grade IR encounter.
Most of the greyhounds have not been in dominant form, which will make things quite interesting in tomorrow?s race. Therefore, the spectators will be eagerly awaiting the start of action at 15:44 GMT.
A cash prize of ?500 has been set for the victorious greyhound, so everyone will push extremely hard in the race. They will have to come out with clever strategy, as the overall distance to cover is 480 metres.
This means that both the speed and stamina will be important and the starting positions will also make a slight difference at the end of the day.
Looking at that, Garryvoe George might attract some bets in his favour, as he is going to enter the competition from trap number six. He will get a solid chance of attacking his rivals, but there is a risk involved in that, as he might run out of gas earlier than expected.
Therefore, the S. Cahill?s trained dog will need to be careful and should not get carried away. He is not carrying a decent momentum right now, which will dent his confidence to some extent.
However, he has participated in a lot of races until now, so he should not feel a lot of pressure. He managed to deliver a strong result in his penultimate run, where he was priced as the favourite to succeed.
Despite that, he could only manage the runner up spot, but his team would have been content with that in the end.
Compared to him, Nadurra Alvaro will be in a much better shape, as his performances have been consistent. He appeared in a trial event at Perry Barr recently and did not have any issues with the racecourse.
However, it will be a different game altogether for him to compete at the highest level against some fierce challengers.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely of the writer?s and do not reflect official editorial policy.
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Ken Sundheim, CEO of KAS Placement Recruitment
All things being equal, the company is going to hire the candidate whom they like better.? As a job applicant, you can have all the qualifications in the world, but if you don?t have the likability factor, you?re going in with a disadvantage.
Luckily, this can be improved going forward; here are 3 easy ways to do so:
1. Take an interest in both the company and person.? When you take an interest in a company, it means doing the proper research prior to the interview, however it goes further.? To make an interviewer like you better than other applicants, the secret is in taking an interest in them and discussing what you can do for them.
Going into your next interview, stop thinking about what this person can do for you and be motivated by what you can do for them.? You?ll come across more outgoing, more engaging and more upbeat, thus being more likable.
2. Smile and be energetic.? A smile is worth a million dollars, it will make you happier and it is the most simplistic way to gain an advantage over other interviewers.? Sam Walton, founder of Walmart implemented a rule that when employees pass customers, they smile at them.
While it didn?t cost anything, the tactic proved highly profitable as people enjoyed shopping around happy employees who were there to help.? The same goes with interviewing.? Even on your worst day, force yourself to smile, it will make you feel better and it doesn?t cost a dime.
3. A sincere compliment and appreciation never hurt anyone.? Think about the last time someone gave you a compliment ? even small, how did it make you feel?? Did you warm up to the individual?? What about the last time someone thanked you for taking time out of your day?
Interviewers are human beings, too.? If you like something about the company or about their office, etc. tell them.? Be friendly; people enjoy a sincere compliment and always thank the individual for their time ? we all think we are busier than the next person, but the interviewer who takes the second to thank the individual is all the wiser and all the more likable.
In the End
You can?t control the qualifications of the other interviewers going for the job; that is one facet that is entirely out of your hands.? However, you can make sure that you are the most likable of the candidates, thus bridging gaps in any discrepancies in your qualifications.
Bio: Ken Sundheim is the CEO of KAS Placement Recruitment an executive search firm based out of New York City. ?Ken has been published throughout major media over 400x as well as lectures at universities regarding job search techniques.
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Library of Congress.
Read more on Slate about gun control.
President Obama asked Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban and outlaw high-capacity magazines on Wednesday. He argued that his proposal is consistent with the Second Amendment, which some Americans hold as dear as the freedoms of speech and religion. Does the right to bear arms come second in the Bill of Rights because the founding fathers thought it was the second most important amendment?
No. The Bill of Rights has an order, but it has nothing to do with the relative importance of the rights. James Madison, who whittled down the long list of amendments proposed during constitutional ratification, argued that all changes to the Constitution should be incorporated into the text itself rather than tacked on the end. Connecticut?s Roger Sherman disagreed and won the argument, giving us the numbered list of 10 amendments we have today. The order of that list, however, still reflects Madison?s view: They come in the same order as the sections of the Constitution that they would have modified.
The original first amendment, which did not pass, outlined how the number of seats in Congress would rise in response to population growth?a modification of Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution. The original second amendment, which initially fell short of ratification and later became the 27th Amendment, banned members of Congress from raising their own salaries before voters had an opportunity to oust them. That related to Article I, Section 6, which deals with congressional compensation.
The now-sacred First Amendment was originally slated to sit in the far less distinguished third position. That doesn?t mean the founding fathers thought congressional salary more important than the freedom of speech. Rather, the First Amendment relates to the powers of the legislature, which come later in the Constitution than does the structure of Congress. According to Yale professor Akhil Reed Amar, the provision we now know as the First Amendment begins with the phrase ?Congress shall make no law? because it contrasts with Article I, Section 8, which begins ?Congress shall have power.?
The Second, Third, and Fourth Amendments limit what Congress may do, extending the list of proscriptions found in Constitution?s next provision, Article I, Section 9. Amendments five through eight, dealing with such issues as juries, bail, and cruel and unusual punishment, limit the government?s judicial powers. They relate to Article 3 of the Constitution, which establishes the court system. The final two amendments from the Bill of Rights are guides to interpreting the Constitution as a whole, and likely would have been added to the end.
Although the order of the Bill of Rights doesn?t bear on the relative importance of our freedoms, it may shed light on how the founding fathers interpreted the amendments. Modern Americans who rhapsodize about the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights tend to group together amendments two (guaranteeing the right to bear arms), three (preventing the government from quartering soldiers in the homes of citizens), and four (prohibiting unreasonable searches and seizures). They view the three provisions as a wall of separation between the government and the private space of a citizen?s home. There are indications, however, that the founders considered only the Fourth Amendment to relate to the general inviolability of personal property and the home. The Second and Third Amendments were targeted at Congress?s war powers. This interpretation bears on the breadth of Americans? right to bear arms: If the framers intended the right to bear arms to be part of a citizen?s participation in national defense, there is greater room for the government to regulate the keeping of firearms for other purposes, like hunting or defense of the home from intruders.
Got a question about today?s news? Ask the Explainer.
Explainer thanks Akhil Reed Amar of Yale Law School, author of The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction, and A.E. Dick Howard of the University of Virginia School of Law.
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Chung Sung-Jun / Getty Images
South Korea's first female leader, Park Geun-Hye.
By Julie Yoo, NBC News
Park Geun-hye, the daughter of a former military ruler became the South Korea?s first female leader Wednesday, saying she would work to heal a divided society.
The 60-year old conservative, will return to the presidential palace in Seoul where she served as her father's first lady in the 1970s, after her mother was assassinated by a North Korean-backed gunman.
News agency Yonhap said the result could have profound impacts on the country?s foreign policy, particularly with regard to its Communist neighbor, North Korea.
Park has said she would negotiate with Kim Jong-un, the youthful leader of North Korea who recently celebrated a year in office, but wants the South's isolated and impoverished neighbor to give up its nuclear weapons program as a precondition for aid, something Pyongyang has refused to do.
With more than 88 percent of votes in the country?s presidential election counted, Park led with 51.6 percent to 48 percent for her left-wing challenger, human rights lawyer Moon Jae-in, giving her an unassailable lead that forced Moon to concede.
PhotoBlog: South Korea elects its first female president
Her raucous, jubilant supporters braved sub-zero temperatures to chant her name and wave South Korean flags outside her house. When she reached her party headquarters, Park was greeted with shouts of "president".
An elated Park reached into the crowd to grasp hands of supporters wearing red scarves, her party's color.
"This is a victory brought by the people's hope for overcoming crisis and for economic recovery," she told supporters at a rally in central Seoul.
Park is unmarried and has no children, saying that her life will be devoted to her country.
The legacy of her father, Park Chung-hee, who ruled for 18 years and transformed the country from the ruins of the 1950-53 Korean War into an industrial power-house, still divides Koreans.
"I trust her. She will save our country," said Park Hye-sook, 67, who voted in an affluent Seoul district, earlier in the day.?
Reuters contributed to this report.
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8 hrs.
John Pacenti ,
It's hard enough to scrimp up enough discretionary cash to pay for holiday gifts. But for Ben Tischler of New York City, getting ready for the holidays also means preparing to wed his fiancee, Alicia.
It has been especially taxing since he learned that jewelry prices would be higher this season.
"Everything was more expensive than I expected. The jeweler told me the price of gold has skyrocketed," Tischler says. "This clearly isn't the kind of thing I can wait to buy to see if prices come back down, so I bit the bullet."
This holiday season could be a mixed bag for consumers, retail experts say. Electronics such as big-screen televisions keep going down, but if you want that laptop that turns into a tablet -- Microsoft Surface, anyone? -- or that fancy new camera, expect to pay a bit more than last year. And some traditional gift items could also take more of a bite out of your wallet as stores tap into the growing trend of using well-known designers or celebrities to hawk their goods.
All in all, prices are about 2 percent higher than last holiday season, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here are eight things that will cost you more this season.
Remember when a cup of coffee cost 50 cents? Then along came Starbucks and redefined the price for a latte. This type of pricing is happening all over the American retail landscape.
If American consumers are willing to pay it, retailers will push the limit, says Marshal Cohen, the chief retail analyst for the NPD Group Inc. in Port Washington, N.Y.
There was a cotton shortage in 2011 that pushed clothing prices up 6 percent.
"Consumers didn't balk at the increase, so I don't think prices will be less expensive this year," Cohen says.
Miami consumer blogger Annie Vazquez, who runs The Fashion Poet blog and has been featured in Elle magazine, says clothing could be pricier at big-box stores such as Target, as known designers such as Oscar de la Renta are introducing discount lines.
"It's going to be a huge thing," she says. "Target shoppers are very interested in labels."
Looking to impress that runner in the family with a new pair of top-of-the-line sneakers? Nothing will impress the marathoner like a pair of Volts from Nike. The running shoes look otherworldly -- and so does the price: $150. But these aren't the only pricey soles. Cohen says high-end athletic shoes across the board are more expensive.
On the opposite end of the shoe spectrum sits the women's discount dress shoe. But don't take the word "discount" to heart. Vazquez says giving the woman in your life new shoes from the likes of Payless or DSW won't be as light on the wallet as in years past. The reason again is the use of celebrities and the push to hike up the price point consumers are willing to pay.
As a result, even the discount brands now have a catch. They will make nice gifts, but they are not necessarily cheaper than last year.
"A lot of these budget-friendly brands have become more marketable and are using faces people know to sell their products," she says. "It's cool to wear them now."
And cool, she says, always translates into more expensive.
Digital cameras
A stalwart gift under the tree for any shutterbug is the single-lens reflex, or SLR, camera. This is the perfect time of year to get new gear for them.
However, manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon are in a conundrum because every smartphone has a camera.
So that means digital SLR cameras this season are for a more niche crowd. These consumers are serious about their hobby.
"Since so many phones have cameras, they are manufacturing better digital cameras to compete with that to offer consumers better quality," Vazquez says. "Many of these cameras also offer top-notch video capabilities. Camera phones can only do so much."
So, if you are going to indulge the shutterbug in your family, be ready to put down some serious bucks. Stores such as Best Buy will package a camera with a set of lenses, a bag and other items, which also drives up the price, she says.
Prices for these high-tech SLRs can range anywhere from $500 for a Canon Rebel to more than $1,000 for a Nikon D700.
Data plans
The most popular gifts again this holiday season are cutting-edge electronics such as smartphones and tablets. But these gifts are also like handing a monthly bill as a gift because carriers are no longer being so generous with the cost of their data plans.
Part of the reason is that cellphone carriers are eating the price of much of these high-tech smartphones thinking the data plans will more than make up for these loss leaders.
"Phone companies have figured out they can make a lot of money on the service side," Cohen says.
Apple, and Barnes & Noble Inc. aren't even really in the electronics business, he says. They are in the data and media business.
"Everybody thinks, 'I just bought the iPad or a Kindle Fire, and I just turn it on,' but to access the Internet and download products, you have to have a data plan," he says.
Amazon, Cohen says, is not selling its Kindle products as a traditional electronic item but as a product platform, creating loyal customers for what it really sells repeatedly: books and music.
"It's the new razor-blade model," says Joe Feldman, a senior analyst for the Telsey Advisory Group in New York City, referring to how razor companies make money off the blades, not the razor itself.
Parents can't seem to get away with a game of Sorry and a cute stuffed animal anymore. The redesigned storytelling Furby runs about $54. (FYI: It's even creepier this time around.)
When Toys R Us released its Holiday Hot Toy List this fall, only six toys cost less than $50, and five cost $100 or more. The majority of the gifts on Wal-Mart's top toy list are at least $50.
And even dolls are pricey. The doll du jour for that 8-year-old with visions of sugar plums in her head remains American Girl. The dolls cost more than $100, and that's not including the outfits. Hint to moms and dads: Homemade knockoffs can be found on eBay by some intrepid entrepreneurs.
Toys R Us cashed in on a Hot Toy Reservation program -- it ended Oct. 31 -- where buyers can plop down 20 percent of the purchase price in advance to make sure they fulfill that favorite toy on the wish list to Santa.
Feldman says such a plan was a good play for consumers as well as retailers. He sees hot items selling fast and not being replaced. "The inventory is going to be leaner, so if there is one desired item, one might want to purchase it right away because the stores may not replenish the stock," he says.
Food and fuel
The holidays come with some hidden costs that usually aren't budgeted. It costs electricity to run that Clark Griswold Christmas light display that would put a rock concert to shame and fuel to keep that home toasty. And those large holiday get-togethers require a must-have commodity to keep guests happy: food.
Fuel and food prices have risen over the last 12 months on the whole, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In its November Consumer Price Index release, the BLS said indexes for gasoline and fuel oil have increased over the last 12 months, rising 9.1 percent and 5.6 respectively. But there is a brighter side to this -- electricity and natural gas prices have declined.
On the food front, the BLS said groceries have increased in price about 1 percent over the last 12 months. Eating out is also more expensive, rising 2.7 percent since October 2011.
Cohen reminds consumers that food and fuel go hand in hand. "Anything requiring transportation, a delivery of a product, is going to cost more to get it to the stores," he says.
We've taken into account gifts and food, but let's not forget how you're going to get to your destination for the holidays. If you are flying, expect a full plane and higher ticket prices. Domestic ticket prices are up 4 percent from 2011, according to industry trade group Airlines for America.
For those thinking of traveling by car, gas has dipped some, giving a bit of relief. But "we are still looking at historically high prices," says Heather Hunter, spokeswoman for AAA in Orlando, Fla.
She says about 300,000 more people will travel by car than last holiday season -- and they are scouting for savvy ways to save money. "They are looking for hotels that offer free Wi-Fi or a free breakfast," Hunter says.
When traveling by car, it might also mean more than just paying for fuel. It's not unusual for families to tune up the car and replace tires for the holiday trek, Cohen says. And tires are much pricier than in the past. Cohen says tire companies are trying to make up for backroom costs, such as paying for all those lawsuits for faulty products in the last decade.
"You used to be able to buy four tires for $280, and they would mount them and balance them for free," he says. Look for these services to all cost something now.
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Deputy Defense Secretary
Ashton Carter notified Congress that the US would make the payment to Islamabad for expenses incurred from June through November 2011."In making this determination, I find that the reimbursement is consistent with the national security interest of [COLOR=#0000FF !important]the United States[/COLOR] and will not adversely affect the balance of power in the region," Carter wrote in [COLOR=#0000FF !important]the Dec[/COLOR]. 6 letter.
Lawmakers have expressed frustration with Pakistan, questioning its commitment in the fight against terrorism and using [COLOR=#0000FF !important]the foreign aid budget[/COLOR] to punish Islamabad. The anger boiled over after the killing of
Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in May 2011, with suggestions that the country was harboring the terrorist leader.The relationship improved slightly this year when Secretary of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton apologised to Pakistan for the killing of 24 Pakistani troops in late 2011 and Pakistan, in return, agreed to reopen the overland supply lines to [COLOR=#0000FF !important]US-led coalition forces[/COLOR].In July, top Senate Republicans said the money should be released, albeit reluctantly.
"If our commanders believe that releasing the funds helps [COLOR=#0000FF !important]the war effort[/COLOR] - yes. I don't want to second-guess these people," said Sen.
Lindsey Graham, a Republican. "Pakistan on a good day is very hard. It is an unreliable ally. You can't trust them, you can't abandon them. The biggest beneficiary is the men and women fighting the war. And I want Pakistan to be stable. And if the money helps them become more stable, good."If you cut the money off, what leverage do you have? There may come a day when we do that, but not yet," he said.
The reimbursement had been held up for months.
Republican Sen.
Rand Paul has been one of the fiercest foes of aid to Pakistan.Source:
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While many of us are making merry, it?s hardly the most wonderful time of the year for the accounting staffs at many small businesses.
A rush by employees to submit their expense claims so they can be reimbursed before the holidays, makes today the busiest expense-filing day of the year, according to data from online accounting services firm Concur (NASDAQ: CNQR).
On this day U.S. small businesses will process more than twice as many expense reports as the daily average. That?s a lot of unhappy accountants.
Putting off those expenses has a whole host of repercussions, including paying more money in federal and state taxes.
?It?s like sitting in a car and letting someone drive you down the Autobahn going 80 miles an hour with their eyes are closed,? said Nicole Fende, a financial consultant and president of the Small Business Finance Center. ?You?re going to crash and it?s going to be bad.?
Fende added that every dollar not expensed costs a business roughly $1.35 in taxes. That figure is derived from adding up the 15 percent in Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes businesses pay to cover Medicare and Social Security costs, and the average 20 percent due in state and federal income taxes.
?If you have a dollar of income and you?re not offsetting it with a dollar of expense, the government will tax it at your effective tax rate,? said Fende, who added there are ways small businesses and self-employed individuals can mitigate this crunch.
Like we do with our children, Fende said offering a reward, or treat, is a good way to get employees to do something they don?t want to do, like filing boring expense reports.
For self-employed individuals, giving yourself a new book or even just a chocolate after the task is completed can make you ?more likely to do it next time you?re required.?
If that doesn?t work the Web is full of free and paid services that small business owners can use to outsource the pain of accounting.
Concur offers subscribers the ability to take pictures of receipts with their iPhone and Android devices and submit them electronically, allowing employees to toss away their paper copies.
?That?s helped us to get rid of a whole lot of filing cabinets,? said Christian Metcalfe, co-founder of Seattle, WA-based data analytics startup Context Relevant, which uses Concur for all its accounting needs.
?In the ?Moneyball? example, this helps us keep our money on the field and be more efficient in how we?re running our business.?
Metcalfe, whose company is also paid by Concur to organize its data, said no software will eliminate employee procrastination when it comes to filing expense reports on time, but cloud-based services can offset the incidence of paper claims piling up on accountants desks.
Concur, also based in the Seattle area, estimates that inefficient manual expense filing is costing U.S. firms as much as $2 billion annually in additional processing costs.
That calculation is based on a recent study by the Aberdeen Group that showed it costs the average U.S. company $18 to process each expense report. The study also found that cost drops below $8 per report by automating the process through web-based applications.
Xero, a New Zealand-based accounting software firm with more than 110,000 paying customers, also offers the ability to scan receipts by phone and is attempting to get a foothold in the lucrative U.S. small business market.
Jamie Sutherland, who heads Xero?s U.S. operations, said the ability to ?knock off? expense reports on the fly from such exotic locations as a cab or airplane makes the process more enjoyable.
?It makes it a little bit more fun and sexy to do expense management.?
However some small business owners remain reticent to try the new technology, preferring to store receipts in a shoebox and hand it over to an actual accountant.
Howie Statland, 41, who sells vintage guitars at New York-based Rivington Guitars, has an iPhone, but has yet to use it to scan a receipt or submit an expense.
?This is the only way I know how right now.?
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Students came well prepared and many have been hired by amazing companies.
Others, however, failed to prepare properly and thus wasted the opportunity to meet decision makers who could help them launch their careers. After observing the students at the fair and surveying employers, I?ve compiled essential tips to ensure you make a positive lasting impression.
What to do:
Dress professionally. Slacks and a nice button down shirt work well. A suit is even better. Although you are on your college campus, you should consider this a job audition.
When you approach the table, make eye contact. Extend a hand, and formally introduce yourself. And smile.
Prior to the fair you should have researched each company. Check out websites and social media, and review company case studies.
Start a conversation. Ask questions before thrusting your r?sum? at an employer. Let the person behind the table answer your question before you fire off another one. (After all, listening is a major skill in PR, so pay attention.)
Prepare an elevator speech featuring examples of your strengths. This is your chance. You have less than a minute to sell yourself and be memorable. Practice your pitch before the event.
Bring many copies of r?sum?s to hand out. But keep them neatly in a folder or portfolio. It looks sloppy to have your stack hanging out over the table.
Ask for business cards. Be sure to send typo-free thank you emails and notes with a personal message about something you discussed so they remember you.
Shake hands. And thank the employer, by name, for his or her time as you leave the table.
Bring neatly copied writing samples. Keep them in a simple black binder in clear sleeves.
Give recruiters time to respond. Don?t send multiple follow-ups until they?ve had enough to read and process your r?sum?.
Expect some callbacks. Start answering your cell phone in a professional manner, for example, ?Hello, this is Jane Smith speaking.?
What not to do:
Approach the table and start asking about the company?without introducing yourself. Awkward.
Give a limp handshake. Don?t do it. (Learn proper professional handshake techniques here.)
Use ?college-speak.? Approaching an employer and saying, ?So, what do you guys do?? is not professional.
Respond: ?I?ll do anything.? Never provide this response when asked ?What do you want to do?? or ?What are you interested in?? Have a substantive response ready.
Wear a short tight miniskirt and very high heels or a hoody sweatshirt?not professional. Keep make up and jewelry simple, too.
Chomp on your chewing gum. Instead, eat a mint beforehand instead.
Use your college email on your r?sum?. At most universities, this email address goes away when you graduate. Also, avoid using a not-so professional email handle. FirstNameLastName@ works best.
Assume the representatives remember exactly whom you were when reaching out. They just met dozens, even hundreds of students.
Never follow up. Even if you don?t want the internship or job at that company, use your follow up as a networking opportunity and thank them for their time and interest.
Send a thank you note with grammatical errors or typos. Don?t kill an otherwise great impression. The same goes for r?sum?. A typo sends it to the trash.
A career fair is an amazing opportunity to get your r?sum? and yourself in front of employers who are looking to hire new professionals. Take each interaction seriously and be open-minded about possible career avenues and options. I saw many students go to the fair excited about a particular company and then leave, excited about several new opportunities they never even imagined.
Lorra M. Brown is an assistant professor of public relations/professional communication at William Paterson University in Wayne, N.J. She serves as the M.A. in professional communication graduate program director, communication internship coordinator, and advisor to the Student Public Relations Association. Visit her blog or follow her on Twitter @LorraBrownPR.
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8 hrs.
John Pacenti ,
It's hard enough to scrimp up enough discretionary cash to pay for holiday gifts. But for Ben Tischler of New York City, getting ready for the holidays also means preparing to wed his fiancee, Alicia.
It has been especially taxing since he learned that jewelry prices would be higher this season.
"Everything was more expensive than I expected. The jeweler told me the price of gold has skyrocketed," Tischler says. "This clearly isn't the kind of thing I can wait to buy to see if prices come back down, so I bit the bullet."
This holiday season could be a mixed bag for consumers, retail experts say. Electronics such as big-screen televisions keep going down, but if you want that laptop that turns into a tablet -- Microsoft Surface, anyone? -- or that fancy new camera, expect to pay a bit more than last year. And some traditional gift items could also take more of a bite out of your wallet as stores tap into the growing trend of using well-known designers or celebrities to hawk their goods.
All in all, prices are about 2 percent higher than last holiday season, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Here are eight things that will cost you more this season.
Remember when a cup of coffee cost 50 cents? Then along came Starbucks and redefined the price for a latte. This type of pricing is happening all over the American retail landscape.
If American consumers are willing to pay it, retailers will push the limit, says Marshal Cohen, the chief retail analyst for the NPD Group Inc. in Port Washington, N.Y.
There was a cotton shortage in 2011 that pushed clothing prices up 6 percent.
"Consumers didn't balk at the increase, so I don't think prices will be less expensive this year," Cohen says.
Miami consumer blogger Annie Vazquez, who runs The Fashion Poet blog and has been featured in Elle magazine, says clothing could be pricier at big-box stores such as Target, as known designers such as Oscar de la Renta are introducing discount lines.
"It's going to be a huge thing," she says. "Target shoppers are very interested in labels."
Looking to impress that runner in the family with a new pair of top-of-the-line sneakers? Nothing will impress the marathoner like a pair of Volts from Nike. The running shoes look otherworldly -- and so does the price: $150. But these aren't the only pricey soles. Cohen says high-end athletic shoes across the board are more expensive.
On the opposite end of the shoe spectrum sits the women's discount dress shoe. But don't take the word "discount" to heart. Vazquez says giving the woman in your life new shoes from the likes of Payless or DSW won't be as light on the wallet as in years past. The reason again is the use of celebrities and the push to hike up the price point consumers are willing to pay.
As a result, even the discount brands now have a catch. They will make nice gifts, but they are not necessarily cheaper than last year.
"A lot of these budget-friendly brands have become more marketable and are using faces people know to sell their products," she says. "It's cool to wear them now."
And cool, she says, always translates into more expensive.
Digital cameras
A stalwart gift under the tree for any shutterbug is the single-lens reflex, or SLR, camera. This is the perfect time of year to get new gear for them.
However, manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon are in a conundrum because every smartphone has a camera.
So that means digital SLR cameras this season are for a more niche crowd. These consumers are serious about their hobby.
"Since so many phones have cameras, they are manufacturing better digital cameras to compete with that to offer consumers better quality," Vazquez says. "Many of these cameras also offer top-notch video capabilities. Camera phones can only do so much."
So, if you are going to indulge the shutterbug in your family, be ready to put down some serious bucks. Stores such as Best Buy will package a camera with a set of lenses, a bag and other items, which also drives up the price, she says.
Prices for these high-tech SLRs can range anywhere from $500 for a Canon Rebel to more than $1,000 for a Nikon D700.
Data plans
The most popular gifts again this holiday season are cutting-edge electronics such as smartphones and tablets. But these gifts are also like handing a monthly bill as a gift because carriers are no longer being so generous with the cost of their data plans.
Part of the reason is that cellphone carriers are eating the price of much of these high-tech smartphones thinking the data plans will more than make up for these loss leaders.
"Phone companies have figured out they can make a lot of money on the service side," Cohen says.
Apple, and Barnes & Noble Inc. aren't even really in the electronics business, he says. They are in the data and media business.
"Everybody thinks, 'I just bought the iPad or a Kindle Fire, and I just turn it on,' but to access the Internet and download products, you have to have a data plan," he says.
Amazon, Cohen says, is not selling its Kindle products as a traditional electronic item but as a product platform, creating loyal customers for what it really sells repeatedly: books and music.
"It's the new razor-blade model," says Joe Feldman, a senior analyst for the Telsey Advisory Group in New York City, referring to how razor companies make money off the blades, not the razor itself.
Parents can't seem to get away with a game of Sorry and a cute stuffed animal anymore. The redesigned storytelling Furby runs about $54. (FYI: It's even creepier this time around.)
When Toys R Us released its Holiday Hot Toy List this fall, only six toys cost less than $50, and five cost $100 or more. The majority of the gifts on Wal-Mart's top toy list are at least $50.
And even dolls are pricey. The doll du jour for that 8-year-old with visions of sugar plums in her head remains American Girl. The dolls cost more than $100, and that's not including the outfits. Hint to moms and dads: Homemade knockoffs can be found on eBay by some intrepid entrepreneurs.
Toys R Us cashed in on a Hot Toy Reservation program -- it ended Oct. 31 -- where buyers can plop down 20 percent of the purchase price in advance to make sure they fulfill that favorite toy on the wish list to Santa.
Feldman says such a plan was a good play for consumers as well as retailers. He sees hot items selling fast and not being replaced. "The inventory is going to be leaner, so if there is one desired item, one might want to purchase it right away because the stores may not replenish the stock," he says.
Food and fuel
The holidays come with some hidden costs that usually aren't budgeted. It costs electricity to run that Clark Griswold Christmas light display that would put a rock concert to shame and fuel to keep that home toasty. And those large holiday get-togethers require a must-have commodity to keep guests happy: food.
Fuel and food prices have risen over the last 12 months on the whole, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In its November Consumer Price Index release, the BLS said indexes for gasoline and fuel oil have increased over the last 12 months, rising 9.1 percent and 5.6 respectively. But there is a brighter side to this -- electricity and natural gas prices have declined.
On the food front, the BLS said groceries have increased in price about 1 percent over the last 12 months. Eating out is also more expensive, rising 2.7 percent since October 2011.
Cohen reminds consumers that food and fuel go hand in hand. "Anything requiring transportation, a delivery of a product, is going to cost more to get it to the stores," he says.
We've taken into account gifts and food, but let's not forget how you're going to get to your destination for the holidays. If you are flying, expect a full plane and higher ticket prices. Domestic ticket prices are up 4 percent from 2011, according to industry trade group Airlines for America.
For those thinking of traveling by car, gas has dipped some, giving a bit of relief. But "we are still looking at historically high prices," says Heather Hunter, spokeswoman for AAA in Orlando, Fla.
She says about 300,000 more people will travel by car than last holiday season -- and they are scouting for savvy ways to save money. "They are looking for hotels that offer free Wi-Fi or a free breakfast," Hunter says.
When traveling by car, it might also mean more than just paying for fuel. It's not unusual for families to tune up the car and replace tires for the holiday trek, Cohen says. And tires are much pricier than in the past. Cohen says tire companies are trying to make up for backroom costs, such as paying for all those lawsuits for faulty products in the last decade.
"You used to be able to buy four tires for $280, and they would mount them and balance them for free," he says. Look for these services to all cost something now.
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Different religions and cultures greatly affect our perception and views about life and death. Consequently, bereavement and funeral practices and tend to vary from one religion to another.
Thus, although death is a universal experience, it is interpreted in numerous ways in all the cultures and religions. Consequently, there are different methods for disposing of the body of the deceased.
Christianity believes in an afterlife in Heaven or Hell depending on one?s conduct on earth and belief or disbelief in God. The believers face death without fear and gain eternal life in Heaven in the presence of God.
It is believed that the body itself is also a gift from God. Thus, it has to be celebrated and honored. Therefore, elaborate funeral procedures are performed after death.
In general, Christians are free to either bury or cremate the dead body. The Catholics, however, prefer burial over cremation. You can read about the Christian beliefs on Afterlife at Religion Facts.
Islam believes in continued existence of the soul with transformed physical existence and a Day of Judgment (similar to Catholicism) deciding eternal destination of the human beings to Paradise and Hell.
Thus, when one approaches death, the family and friends give comfort to the individual and recite from the Qur?an, thereby reminding one of God?s mercy and forgiveness.
Upon death, the near and dear ones are encouraged to stay calm and consider the loss as God?s will because He is the one who gives life and takes it away.
After death, there are no complicated rituals, and the body is washed and wrapped in a shroud for burial as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours, in order to avoid embalming.
Cremation is usually prohibited in Islam. You can get detailed information on the Islamic view on death at To understand read about cremation, visit Cremation Resource.
According to Hinduism, the oldest known religion in the world, death is a natural process in the existence of a soul that takes several births and reincarnations on the basis of karma.
It explains body like a set of clothes covering the soul. Hence, the soul changes bodies like one changes clothes.
Hindus think of prolonging one?s life artificially as interfering with karma and hence does not encourage it. More often than not, they prefer dying at home.
So, they mostly bring terminally ill loved ones home so that they can die at home peacefully while family members sing, pray, and read the scriptures to help the dying individual focus on Brahman.
After death, Hindus generally dispose of the dead body by way of cremation (except for great spiritual leaders who are respectfully buried) and disperse the cremated remains in holy waters.
During funeral, wearing white or dress casually but avoid black. To read more about Hindu beliefs on death, dying, and funeral rites, visit Hinduism Today. Plus, you can get information on traditional Hindu beliefs on this page.
Buddhist funeral traditions tend to vary because there are different types of Buddhism. Nevertheless, like Hindus, Buddhists also believe in rebirth which is influenced by the state of mind in which a person dies.
Thus, while dying, a Buddhist is surrounded by family member, friends, and monks who chant mantras and recite Buddhist scriptures to help the person leave the mortal body in a peaceful state of mind.
After death, Buddhists can either be buried or cremated, as per their tradition. You may read about Bhuddist reflections on death, here.
Chinese folk religion is among major religious traditions in the world with at least 800 million adherents. It is a combination of Taoism and Mahayana Buddhism.
According to this religion, it is believed that at the time of death, the spirit is taken to Ch?eng Huang, the God of walls and moats for a sort of preliminary hearing.
Those found virtuous in this hearing are allowed to go to one of the Buddhist paradises. Besides, they may go to the place were Taoist immortals reside. Furthermore, they can be sent to the Tenth Court of Hell, followed by immediate rebirth.
Sinners, on the other hand, are sent to Hell for a fixed period of punishment. Hell is located at the base of the cosmic mountain, Mount Meru.
After the punishment is over, the souls are supposed to drink an elixir of oblivion. It helps prepare them for their next reincarnation.
Thus, as per Chinese folk religion, death opens a gap between earthly and spiritual existence. It is believed that the sinners descend to Hell after 49 days.
Hence, there are ceremonies performed at least for 49 days, especially during the first 7 days. You can read more about this religion at Faithology and Light Planet.
You can learn more about cultural aspects of death and dying at Dimensions of Cuture.
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Researchers have uncovered some of the steps that enable human stem cells to develop into egg cells. Image: Clouds Hill Imaging Ltd./Corbis
The causes of infertility, which affects around 10% of couples, are often unknown, but may in some cases result from the body's inability to produce viable gametes ? also known as sperm and egg cells. The first study of the development of such 'germ cells' from humans could help scientists to learn how to create them in the laboratory instead.
Even though the reproductive age for humans is around 15?45 years old, the precursor cells that go on to produce human eggs or sperm are formed much earlier, when the fertilized egg grows into a tiny ball of cells in the mother?s womb. This ball of cells contains ?pluripotent stem cells? ? blank slates that can be programed into any type of cell in the body ? and researchers are hoping to use these stem cells to treat various conditions, including infertility.
But little is known about the early developmental stages of human gametes ? owing to the sensitivity of working with human tissue ? and most work in this area has been conducted using mice. In a Nature Cell Biology paper today, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, trace the development of early germ cells in human fetuses of between 6 to 20 weeks and analyzed when genes were turned on or off.
The DNA within these early germ cells carries 'epigenetic modifications' ? structural changes that do not affect the DNA sequence itself but do affect the way that genes are expressed. These changes may have accumulated during the parents? lives, and need to be erased during the fetal stage. The study found two major events that wipe out, or reprogram, epigenetic modifications. Most of this reprograming happened before 6 weeks, but the authors found a second event that completes the reprograming after 6 weeks.
?This is an important and fundamental paper for understanding human germ-line cells and finding the basic information about human germ-cell biology,? says reproductive biologist Evelyn Telfer of the University of Edinburgh, UK. ?The researchers are clearly working in an uncharted area.?
The Los Angeles team worked with anonymized samples from aborted fetuses (after consent) from the University of Washington's Birth Defects Research Laboratory in Seattle.
The researchers also observed that 6-week-old germ cells created in the lab do not match a 6-week-old human germ cell, suggesting that there is a blockage in the development of lab cells that scientists are failing to understand.
?Next, we need to look at what is missing to coax immature germ cells to become eggs or sperm in the lab. If we have no road map to follow, then we are just guessing. Now we have a snapshot of what these cells should look like, we can start to try and mimic them,? says study co-author Amander Clark.
This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on December 16, 2012.
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Falcons defensive end John Abraham knows where he ranks on the NFL?s all-time career sack list, and he likes where his ranking puts him among the great pass rushers in NFL history.
In fact, Abraham told Mike Garafolo of USA Today that he believes as he keeps climbing up the sack charts, he?s going to earn a spot in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
?I?m not saying I?m solidified as one, but I definitely have a chance to be if I continue to play the way I?m playing and get a couple of more years out of this raggedy body of mine and put some more numbers up,? Abraham said. ?I?m 13th overall right now [in career sacks] and, if I can play well enough, I can get in the top 10 or top five. That would be nice.?
Abraham has 122 sacks in his career, and with five more he?ll pass Hall of Famer Derrick Thomas for No. 12 all time. The 34-year-old Abraham, who has 10 sacks through 13 games this season, could realistically record 38.5 more sacks in his career, which is what he needs to move ahead of Kevin Greene for No. 3 all time. But Greene has been voted down several times by the Hall of Fame Selection Committee, so there?s no guarantee that reaching No. 3 all time would put Abraham in Canton.
And Abraham doesn?t have any realistic chance of passing Bruce Smith and Reggie White, who at 200 and 198 sacks respectively are first and second in NFL history. So No. 3 all-time is as high as Abraham is going to get. (It?s also worth noting that sacks have only been an official statistic since 1982, so we?ll never know how many sacks some of the great players of the past, like Deacon Jones, recorded.)
So while Abraham has had a career he deserves to be proud of, he probably needs at least a few more good years before he gets to Canton. And even that may not be enough.
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PHOENIX (AP) ? The company and the man who runs the business that owns a luxury jet that crashed and killed Latin music star Jenni Rivera is under investigation by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and the agency seized two of its planes earlier this year as part of the ongoing probe.
DEA spokeswoman Lisa Webb Johnson confirmed Thursday the planes owned by Las Vegas-based Starwood Management were seized in Texas and Arizona, but she declined to discuss details of the case. The agency also has subpoenaed all the company's records, including any correspondence it has had with a former Tijuana mayor who U.S. law enforcement officials have long suspected has ties to organized crime.
Christian Esquino, 50, who runs the business and has a long and checkered legal past, told The Associated Press on Friday that the DEA has been investigating him for more than 20 years but has yet to prove a single drug-related charge. Esquino said his sister-in-law owns the company but he has the "expertise."
His legal woes date back decades. He pleaded guilty to a fraud charge that stemmed from a major drug investigation in Florida in the early 1990s and most recently was sentenced to two years in federal prison in a California aviation fraud case. Esquino, a Mexican citizen, was deported upon his release. He and various other companies he has either been involved with or owns have also been sued for failing to pay millions of dollars in loans, according to court records.
The 43-year-old California-born Rivera died at the peak of her career when the plane she was traveling in nose-dived into the ground while flying from the northern Mexican city of Monterrey to the central city of Toluca early Sunday morning. She was perhaps the most successful female singer in grupero, a male-dominated Mexico regional style, and had branched out into acting and reality television.
Esquino said in a telephone interview from Mexico City Friday night that the singer was considering buying the aircraft from Starwood for $250,000 and the flight was offered as a test ride. The 78-year-old pilot and five other people were also killed.
The late singer's brother, Pedro Rivera Jr., confirmed Friday that his sister died in the crash.
Esquino is no stranger to tangles with the law, and his business dealings have come under increased media scrutiny since the crash.
He was indicted in the early 1990s along with 12 other defendants in a major federal drug investigation that claimed the suspects planned to sell more than 480 kilograms of cocaine, according to court records. He eventually pleaded guilty to conspiring to conceal money from the IRS and was sentenced to five years in prison, but he served just about five months.
Cynthia Hawkins, a former assistant U.S. attorney who handled the case and is now in private practice in Orlando, remembered the investigation well.
"It was huge," Hawkins said Thursday. "This was an international smuggling group."
She said the case began with the arrest of Robert Castoro, who was at the time considered one of the most prolific smugglers of marijuana and cocaine into Florida from direct ties to Colombian drug cartels in the 1980s. Castoro was convicted in 1988 and sentenced to life in prison, but he then began cooperating with authorities, leading to his sentence being reduced to just 10 years, Hawkins said.
"Castoro cooperated for years," she said. "We put hundreds of people in jail."
He eventually gave up another smuggler, Damian Tedone, who was indicted in the early 1990s along with Esquino and 11 others in a conspiracy involving drug smuggling in Florida in the 1980s at a time when the state was the epicenter of the nation's cocaine trade.
Tedone also cooperated with authorities and has since been released from prison. Telephone messages left for both Tedone and Castoro have not been returned.
Esquino eventually pleaded guilty to the lesser offense of concealing money from the IRS. He said he has never had any drug involvement and only pleaded to the charge to avoid a much lengthier sentence in the narcotics case.
Joseph Milchen, Esquino's attorney at the time, said the case eventually revolved around his client "bringing money into the United States without declaring it."
However, Milchen acknowledged that a plane purchased by Esquino was "used to smuggle drugs."
Esquino, too, said he later learned the plane he sold to Castoro for about $220,000 was used to smuggle drugs, but said he had no knowledge of that and was only involved in the aircraft transaction.
"I wasn't any part of that," he told the AP. "I pleaded guilty just to get the DEA off my back."
As for Castoro, who Esquino claims implicated him in the smuggling operation, he said, "He'd throw his own mom under the bus if he could get time off his sentence."
Court filings also indicate Esquino was sentenced to two years in federal prison after pleading guilty in 2004 to committing fraud involving aircraft he purchased in Mexico, then falsified the planes' log books and re-sold them in the United States. He now denies that charge, as well.
Also in 2004, a federal judge ordered him and one of his companies to pay a creditor $6.2 million after being accused of failing to pay debts to a bank.
As the years passed, Esquino's troubles only grew.
In February this year, a Gulfstream G-1159A plane the government valued at $500,000 ? Esquino says it's worth $1.5 million ? was seized by the U.S. Marshals Service on behalf of the DEA after landing in Tucson on a flight that originated in Mexico
Four months later, the DEA subpoenaed all of Starwood's records dating to Dec. 13, 2007, including federal and state income tax documents, bank deposit information, records on all company assets and sales, and the entity's relationship with Esquino and more than a dozen companies and individuals, including former Tijuana Mayor Jorge Hank-Rhon, a gambling mogul and a member of one of Mexico's most powerful families. U.S. law enforcement officials have long suspected Hank-Rhon is tied to organized crime but no allegations have been proven. He has consistently denied any criminal involvement.
He was arrested in Mexico last year on weapons charges and on suspicion of ordering the murder of his son's former girlfriend. He was later freed for lack of evidence.
The subpoena was obtained by the U-T San Diego newspaper.
Esquino said Hank-Rhon's involvement with his company was only through renting planes.
In September, the DEA seized another Starwood aircraft ? a 1977 Hawker 700 with an insured value of $1 million ? after it landed in McAllen, Texas, from a flight from Mexico.
Insurers of both aircraft have since filed complaints in federal court in Nevada seeking to have the Starwood policies nullified, in part, because they say Esquino lied in the application process when he noted he had never been indicted on drug-related criminal charges. Both companies said they would not have issued the policies had he been truthful.
Associated Press writers Elliot Spagat in San Diego and Ken Ritter in Las Vegas contributed to this report.
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Posted by HugleOlaya on December 16, 2012 in Articles with No Comments
If you?re beginning a new enterprise, a modest company loan might help you get began by offering working capital to create a retailer, acquire inventory, or promote your business. But how does a modest company loan advantage you in genuine terms, and do you even qualify to get a loan
What?s a Tiny Enterprise Loan
By definition, a modest company loan is really a particular quantity of funds that is borrowed by an individual who desires to start or operate his or her personal company. It?s generally a type of personal loan given by lenders to small organization owners.
You?ll find many kinds of tiny Andre Johnson Jersey organization loans. Unsecured business loans are issued by a lender based on your credit alone with no any sort of collateral. Typically, you?ll need a high credit score along with a quite very good credit history at the same time as have a stable personal finance scenario.
There is certainly also business financing that could be according to collateral such as actual estate collateral, a car or property which is free and clear of debt, and so forth. Then, there is certainly a commercial true estate finance loan for which cash is granted for any commercial property that is certainly to be utilized for enterprise. There is also an enterprise line of credit, that is a fixed, predetermined amount of credit that an organization can borrow against as demands arise. The borrower will only be required to spend interest on the amount employed.
Benefits of Modest Enterprise Loans
Acquiring a small enterprise loan for the new organization can bring relief in several ways. It could provide you with working capital to help create your business, promote it, and keep inventory. It might also help together with the expenses of hiring workers if required at the start off. A small organization loan allows you to grow your new company without having the financial stresses of a new enterprise. Also, the interest on a tiny business loan is tax deductible.
Little Organization Loan Qualifications
After you comprehend how enterprise financing operates, you have to take into account whether or not or not you may qualify. It?s excellent to know this prior to you apply so that your credit background won?t show several credit checks and inquiries from lenders, which can lower your credit score for the future.
Initial, be certain your private credit background is in order. Learn your credit score by requesting a copy of your credit report. There are numerous on the internet resources obtainable to examine your personal credit history. Also, make certain your private bill and loan payment histories have already been Andre Johnson Jersey constant and on time over the previous two years or a lot more. Little company lenders are most likely to base your approval in your personal credit history, particularly in case you don?t provide collateral.
Subsequent, ask the lender directly about their company loan qualifications. This can get rid of any queries inside your thoughts ahead of applying.
Locating a Lender
Do some study to locate a tiny company lender that is appropriate for you personally. Verify around on-line for rates of interest, modest business loan plans and qualifications, and for flexibility. Some lenders will supply creative tiny business loan alternatives to operate together with your specific scenario. Some lenders make it straightforward to acquire approved even though other individuals make it almost impossible. Look J J Watt Jersey to get a lender which is easy to work with from the start. Ask about early pay-offs, lines of credit, versatile financing, guaranteed rates of interest, and any fees you may incur by employing their services.
Maintain these suggestions in mind as you search for modest organization finance options. You are going to be on the road to results in no time!
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