Saturday, June 23, 2012

Transcript 21 June 2012 #lrnchat (Mobile) ? #Lrnchat Blog

08:30:41 pm lrnchat: Hello everyone and welcome to #lrnchat. How have you been?
08:31:31 pm JD_Dillon: It?s been a long but revealing week so far on this end. #lrnchat
08:31:58 pm MarkColemanTX: Glad to be here! @lrnchat #lrnchat
08:32:27 pm lrnchat: Please introduce yourself. Name, specialties, interests, etc.? #lrnchat
08:32:46 pm nearpod: Nearpod here :D #lrnchat
08:33:14 pm Quinnovator: yay, it?s time again for the 90 minute memestream extravaganza that is #Lrnchat, duck or join in!
08:33:25 pm JD_Dillon: JD from Orlando, very interested in the growth of mobile, excited to discuss in tonight?s #lrnchat
08:33:28 pm Quinnovator: welcome to new and returning #lrnchat participants
08:33:34 pm Training2U: First time back in a long time #lrnchat
08:33:34 pm minutebio: Jeff Goldman ? eLearning Designer (& Developer 2) at Johns Hopkins HealthCare in Baltimore. #lrnchat
08:34:07 pm nearpod: The Nearpod Team, all-in-one solution for the synchronised use of iPads in class! #lrnchat
08:34:08 pm Tracy_Parish: Evening everyone. Good to be in #lrnchat tonight.
08:34:13 pm Quinnovator: Clark Quinn, (m)learning experience architect & strategist, consultant/author/speaker, genial malcontent, Walnut Creek CA #lrnchat
08:34:29 pm ThomasStone: RT @lrnchat: #lrnchat this evening starting now. Join us as we explore how people learn using mobile devices.
08:34:53 pm mathwhiz: RT @nearpod: The Nearpod Team, all-in-one solution for the synchronised use of iPads in class! #lrnchat
08:35:01 pm ActivateLearn: Hello from a cold, wet and miserable Melbourne! Hope you all had a wonderful week. Looking forward to today?s #lrnchat
08:35:03 pm criticallearner: RT @lrnchat: Please introduce yourself. Name, specialties, interests, etc.? #lrnchat
08:35:22 pm ActivateLearn: RT @ThomasStone: RT @lrnchat: #lrnchat this evening starting now. Join us as we explore how people learn using mobile devices.
08:35:26 pm Training2U: Eric Bierman from Cincy Great to be back! #lrnchat
08:35:37 pm lrnchat: Q0. We always begin with this: What did you learn today? If not today, then this week? #lrnchat
08:35:42 pm nearpod: Hope to hear cool opinions & ideas tonight! #lrnchat
08:36:19 pm catherine_delia: Howdy, Catherine Delia, e-learning systems, Univ of Roch Med Ctr, Rochester, NY involved in transforming Med Ed to mobile. #lrnchat
08:36:21 pm minutebio: Q0) Learned today ? More challenging to review another person?s wbt than 1?s own. Especially when u kno ho difficult fixes will b #lrnchat
08:36:29 pm Keener1111: Christine Keene, GTA ? Relentless learner. Hi everyone! #lrnchat
08:36:29 pm CarlosNearpod: Good evening. Carlos Carrascal from @Nearpod #lrnchat
08:36:34 pm KathyKitch: #lrnchat I don?t have experiences to share, just motivation to start & learn why I should go mobile
08:37:31 pm ronindotca: Cameron Campbell, Flexible Learning Initiative, Lincoln Uni, Christchurch, NZ. Just saying hi before heading to the gym. #lrnchat
08:37:39 pm JD_Dillon: A0) No amount of training or information can change behavior. It takes leadership, support, and accountability. #lrnchat
08:37:44 pm Tracy_Parish: I have learned by trial and perhaps error, that I bought far too many veggies for my small garden. #lrnchat
08:37:57 pm ThomasStone: Thomas Stone, longtime L&D professional with Element K and Taleo. From Rochester, NY. Hello fellow #lrnchat folks!
08:38:14 pm criticallearner: Q0 #lrnchat FaceTime is ?ber cool to hook up grandparents with grand kids
08:38:19 pm catherine_delia: Learned, you should never check your email while at the ballpark. #lrnchat
08:38:30 pm tomspiglanin: Q0) Tom Spiglanin joining a bit late. Learned a bit from smart people at #mLearnCon #lrnchat
08:38:39 pm tomgram1: First time to #lrnchat, thought I would join the in crowd tonight. Tom Gram, Director Learning Solutions Global Knowledge, Toronto
08:38:43 pm ronindotca: Q0) Learned today that I get more done in accidental meetings over coffee than I do in formal ones with agendas #lrnchat
08:38:58 pm nearpod: @kathykitch Maybe a video to see w/ kids think about going mobile? :D #lrnchat
08:39:06 pm ActivateLearn: Q0). @JD_Dillon Yeah this could be mine this week too. I hear you! #lrnchat
08:39:07 pm Tracy_Parish: I was reminded that a bad equipment/connectivity setup can mess up your presentation train of thought extremely quickly. #lrnchat
08:39:13 pm JD_Dillon: @catherine_delia get hit by a foul ball? :-) #lrnchat
08:39:21 pm bpenticuff: Brandon Penticuff, Technology Director for @blpindy. Interested hearing opinions and insights on applying new tech for learning #lrnchat
08:39:25 pm Training2U: I learned that writing a high quality blog takes alot of time and work but is well worth it! #lrnchat
08:39:42 pm minutebio: Q0) Learned 2day ? Some people aren?t always looking for solutions when they call, just a place to vent. #lrnchat
08:39:49 pm Tracy_Parish: @tomspiglanin Only a bit??? ;) #lrnchat
08:39:50 pm Quinnovator: q0) learned deeper that preparation is the key to making a good preso #lrnchat
08:39:57 pm theASIDEblog: We learned that our partnership was something special and long standing as friends and educators. #lrnchat
08:40:29 pm tomgram1: Learned this week, yet again, that it is never easy to price a custom learning solution. That, and i still hate doing expenses #lrnchat
08:40:30 pm catherine_delia: @JD_Dillon No, that would have been cool though, except I would have caught it. :-)
08:40:31 pm JD_Dillon: @Tracy_Parish I find it funny when orgs spend thousands of $$ for virtual setups when a Google Hangout can do the same thing. #lrnchat
08:40:40 pm lrnchat: Q1) What?s something new and substantial that you?ve learned how to do since you?ve started using a mobile device? #lrnchat
08:40:45 pm ActivateLearn: Q0). Learned working in L&D team within a business transformation project has immense challenges & our value questioned by business #lrnchat
08:40:47 pm nearpod: For sure! RT @training2u: I learned that writing a high quality blog takes alot of time and work but is well worth it! #lrnchat
08:40:49 pm Quinnovator: q) learned again how #Lrnchat makes it a pleasure to finally meet people in person
08:41:00 pm Quinnovator: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What?s something new and substantial that you?ve learned how to do since you?ve started using a mobile device? #lrnchat
08:41:05 pm ActivateLearn: RT @lrnchat: Q1) What?s something new and substantial that you?ve learned how to do since you?ve started using a mobile device? #lrnchat
08:41:18 pm Quinnovator: q1) how to download apps! :) #lrnchat
08:41:21 pm minutebio: RT @Training2U: learned writing high quality blog takes alot time & work but well w.. | Very tru Blog is Gr8 for self reflection 2 #lrnchat
08:41:28 pm ThomasStone: @tomgram1 Hi Tom, good to see you hear. Welcome to #lrnchat. How are things on your side of the lake?
08:41:32 pm criticallearner: Q0 #lrnchat learned that I forgot hash tag on my intro tweet. I am David Glow in Tampa. I do learning stuff.
08:41:35 pm MarkColemanTX: q0) communication is better face to face sometimes #lrnchat
08:41:37 pm minutebio: RT @lrnchat: Q1) Whats something new and substantial that youve learned how to do since youve started using a mobile device? #lrnchat
08:41:43 pm cybraryman1: Q1) I learned how to skype on my iPad which is so much better than from a fixed desktop computer #lrnchat
08:41:52 pm JD_Dillon: A1) Slice flying fruit like a pro! :-) #lrnchat
08:41:53 pm Tracy_Parish: @Quinnovator Knowing the material is key! The rest becomes dressing. #lrnchat
08:42:01 pm LilianMahoukou: ?@lrnchat: Q1) What?s something new and substantial that you?ve learned how to do since you?ve started using a mobile device? #lrnchat?
08:42:10 pm minutebio: Q1) How 2 b even more concise. #lrnchat
08:42:23 pm Keener1111: RT @lrnchat: Q1) Whats something new and substantial that youve learned how to do since youve started using a mobile device? #lrnchat
08:42:24 pm Quinnovator: RT @minutebio: Q1) How 2 b even more concise. #lrnchat < 4 sur
08:42:31 pm tomspiglanin: @Tracy_Parish true? Met @Quinnovator and suspect I got a preview of some stuff tonight in #lrnchat
08:42:37 pm JD_Dillon: A1) I would say my multi-tasking has improved but more ability to concentrate has declined at the same time. #lrnchat
08:42:42 pm JD_Dillon: RT @minutebio: Q1) How 2 b even more concise. #lrnchat
08:42:53 pm ActivateLearn: Q1) For me it?s exploring diff apps on iPhone(&podcasts) that have been a HUGE learning curve to connect me with others in my field #lrnchat
08:43:00 pm Keener1111: Q1) Learned to leverage twitter for on-the-run learning #lrnchat
08:43:00 pm Dave_Ferguson: Learned (more than once) value of grouping apps in folder. And in tossing those not used in last 6 months. #nohoarding #lrnchat
08:43:07 pm theASIDEblog: Learning is not a fixed location, it moves with us. #lrnchat
08:43:15 pm Tracy_Parish: Q1) knitting would be something I?ve used my mobile device to teach me. YouTube vids on iPad, needles and yarn in hand. #lrnchat
08:43:17 pm tomspiglanin: Q1) I learned how to scan an create a QR code #lrnchat
08:43:24 pm NurseEducator: Hi! My first #lrnchat. Looking forward to this discussion! #lrnchat
08:43:38 pm AlisonSeaman: @Quinnovator @lrnchat #lrnchat FaceTime! @Adtron5000
08:43:39 pm minutebio: Q1) Learned I can access quite a bit in spite of IT?s firewall #lrnchat
08:43:54 pm MarkColemanTX: Q1) How to have a tweet chat #lrnchat
08:44:03 pm JD_Dillon: A1) My natural curiosity has increased bc I can learn anything I want when and where I want it. #lrnchat
08:44:06 pm Training2U: Q1) how to play wwf on a plane without getting caught? #lrnchat
08:44:06 pm Keener1111: RT @cybraryman1: Q1) I learned how to Skype ? FaceTime on iPad is also super convenient :) #lrnchat
08:44:31 pm theASIDEblog: Two heads are better than one for learning, and a mobile device makes 3. #lrnchat
08:44:44 pm ActivateLearn: @Tracy_Parish Go the Knitters! This has been instrumental for me to perfect knitting skills(and now teaching myself how to crochet) #lrnchat
08:44:46 pm nearpod: Using mdevices comes together w/ knowing what you are talking about? and being passionate about it, of course :) #lrnchat
08:44:52 pm criticallearner: Q1 #lrnchat talking to phone for hands free when hands should be on wheel, eyes on road
08:45:06 pm Tracy_Parish: I read more (blogs, journals,rss) now on my device than I did on my computer. It?s just seems cooler. #lrnchat
08:45:07 pm minutebio: Q1) Learned to interact with other learners, and facilitators, via twitter. #lrnchat
08:45:18 pm JD_Dillon: A1) Its pretty much impossible for me to get lost while traveling thanks to my mobile devices. #lrnchat
08:45:20 pm tomspiglanin: Q1) I learned how to set up a scavenger hunt as a learning experience from @mobilelearning #lrnchat
08:45:22 pm Training2U: RT ?@JD_Dillon: A1) I would say my multi-tasking has improved but more ability to concentrate has declined at the same time. #lrnchat?/Amen!
08:45:37 pm criticallearner: RT @Keener1111: Q1) Learned to leverage twitter for on-the-run learning #lrnchat > me too
08:45:37 pm Quinnovator: @tomspiglanin was great meeting you! #lrnchat
08:45:39 pm Tracy_Parish: RT @minutebio: Q1) Learned I can access quite a bit in spite of IT?s firewall #lrnchat lol. Exactly.
08:45:44 pm catherine_delia: Q1) A mobile device is an enabler for learning new things & placing resources at your fingertips, literally. #lrnchat
08:45:47 pm Keener1111: iMessage for success sharing is also amazing! Team learning from each other. #lrnchat
08:45:47 pm Mrs_Dilly: Perfectly said!! RT ?@theASIDEblog: Learning is not a fixed location, it moves with us. #lrnchat? #mlearning
08:45:52 pm Dave_Ferguson: @NurseEducator You & other firsttimers may like tool like (follows just the hashtag & auto-adds it) #lrnchat
08:46:08 pm theASIDEblog: Can?t we ?iEverything? using mobile devices. Nothing escapes a ?smart phone? and a ?good learner.? #lrnchat
08:46:21 pm minutebio: RT @Mrs_Dilly: Perfectly said!! RT ?@theASIDEblog: Learning is not a fixed location, it moves with us. #lrnchat? #mlearning #lrnchat
08:46:26 pm tomspiglanin: ?@MarkColemanTX: Q1) How to have a tweet chat #lrnchat? Me too, from mobile
08:46:31 pm williamjgabriel: Q0) I learned today there are a lot of brilliant people and great websites they post in twitter, & not enough hours to see it all. #lrnchat
08:46:33 pm criticallearner: RT @MarkColemanTX: Q1) How to have a tweet chat #lrnchat
08:46:53 pm Dave_Ferguson: @catherine_delia I explained smartphone to my mom as ?the internet in your pocket.? Tablet: maybe a bigger pocket.
08:46:56 pm JD_Dillon: A1) I have the ability to stay in touch with people almost constantly through mobile, text-based communication. #lrnchat
08:46:59 pm ActivateLearn: @JD_Dillon True. When someone tells you to ?Get Lost!? ? well we can?t anymore can we, thanks to technology? That?s a bonus. #lrnchat
08:47:01 pm minutebio: RT @tomspiglanin: ?@MarkColemanTX: Q1) How to have a tweet chat #lrnchat? Me too, from mobile #lrnchat
08:47:04 pm Keener1111: .@tomspiglanin Mobile Scavenger Hunt? That sounds like fun. Would love more info. #lrnchat
08:47:07 pm Quinnovator: q1) how a pocketable device is a great augment for our brain #lrnchat
08:47:09 pm Training2U: Q1) have learned there r no boundaries to networking and how enriching mobile relationships can become #lrnchat
08:47:12 pm NurseEducator: Q1 I learned that uploading information from the back end of an app needs to be with a font size of at least 24 easily read #lrnchat
08:47:27 pm Quinnovator: q1) how important it is to push the envelope by seeing how your mobile device can make you smarter #Lrnchat
08:47:35 pm nearpod: Here?s what we?ve learnt: Tech just enhances the learning process. It contributes to everything else an educator should be :D #lrnchat
08:47:39 pm criticallearner: RT @Tracy_Parish: RT @minutebio: Q1) Learned I can access quite a bit in spite of IT?s firewall #lrnchat lol. Exactly. > A freekin men!
08:47:45 pm CarlosNearpod: #lrnchat Q1) learned to have cloud based contacts and never lose the data again
08:47:49 pm Tracy_Parish: I frequently use my device to ?learn? which movie I want to see tonight. #lrnchat
08:47:55 pm JD_Dillon: A1) Steve Jobs created my lifestyle. iAddicted. #lrnchat
08:48:00 pm tomspiglanin: @Quinnovator too bad I had to leave before your guild report presentation but loved the panels at #mLearnCon #lrnchat
08:48:00 pm MarkColemanTX: RT @Training2U: Q1) have learned there r no boundaries to networking and how enriching mobile relationships can become #lrnchat
08:48:08 pm theASIDEblog: Learning with mobile technology is second nature for most kids. More teachers need to get on board. #lrnchat #edchat
08:48:17 pm Quinnovator: @CarlosNearpod worry about cloud losing data (c.f. sidekick/danger fiasco!) #lrnchat
08:48:21 pm Mrs_Dilly: Learned to make textbook interactive using @Layar w/o having to reinvent the text. #lrnchat
08:48:32 pm ThomasStone: yes, can be RT @Quinnovator: q1) how a pocketable device is a great augment for our brain #lrnchat
08:48:35 pm JD_Dillon: A1) Thanks to mobile, there?s no excuse for ?not knowing.? #lrnchat
08:48:37 pm tomgram1: Q1 all fingers are fat #lrnchat
08:48:38 pm Keener1111: RT @JD_Dillon: A1) Steve Jobs created my lifestyle. iAddicted. #lrnchat
08:48:46 pm Training2U: Q1) JIT, on-demand, at ur fingertips, anytime learning is fantastic #lrnchat
08:48:46 pm catherine_delia: @Dave_Ferguson Yep, we?ve got lab coats with tablet sized pockets now. #lrnchat
08:48:58 pm busynessgirl: Okay. Seriously. It?s time to build this presentation. #nomoredistractions ? ooh ? is it time for #lrnchat?
08:49:03 pm JD_Dillon: A1) Mobile has taught me just how distraught lack of cell signal can make me. #lrnchat
08:49:10 pm cybraryman1: @theASIDEblog We should be open to learning from our children especially about the tech they use today. #lrnchat
08:49:10 pm tomspiglanin: Q1) learned to think about mobile by device. You take or phone many places you don?t take your tablet. #lrnchat
08:49:11 pm Quinnovator: RT @Tracy_Parish: I frequently use my device to ?learn? which movie I want to see tonight. #lrnchat < and to look up info on it during!
08:49:20 pm Keener1111: I?ve had to learn how to turn it off? #lrnchat
08:49:22 pm theASIDEblog: Recent field trip with 7th graders w/ not a beat missed. They searched, read and reviewed as we traveled along. #lrnchat
08:49:26 pm MarkColemanTX: RT @tomgram1: Q1 all fingers are fat <?so true! #lrnchat
08:49:29 pm Quinnovator: RT @tomspiglanin: Q1) learned to think about mobile by device. You take your phone many places you don?t take your tablet. #lrnchat
08:49:30 pm Mrs_Dilly: RT ?@Quinnovator: RT @minutebio: Q1) How 2 b even more concise. #lrnchat < 4 sur? being concise is hard & not cringe @ ur grammar & spelling
08:49:31 pm minutebio: Q1) Learned my knowledge of useless movie trivia is not as impressive now that IMDB app is available #lrnchat
08:49:38 pm Tracy_Parish: @Quinnovator I think my learning to playing ratio is 2:1 to be honest. I love using my device to just ?explore? and learn. #lrnchat
08:49:41 pm criticallearner: Q1 #lrnchat that second device next to laptop increases access to info like vids to help performance (how to demo as I try)
08:49:53 pm NurseEducator: Q1 I also recently learned that the @Socrative app works nicely for student responses! #lrnchat
08:49:54 pm ActivateLearn: RT @theASIDEblog: Learning with mobile technology is second nature for most kids. More teachers need to get on board. #lrnchat #edchat
08:50:09 pm minutebio: RT @Keener1111: Ive had to learn how to turn it off? } There?s an Off button? #lrnchat
08:50:18 pm criticallearner: RT @Training2U: Q1) have learned there r no boundaries to networking and how enriching mobile relationships can become #lrnchat
08:50:26 pm tomgram1: Q1 learned that IDC research says that business is going Android?really? #lrnchat
08:50:33 pm lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:50:33 pm Quinnovator: q1) also learned that having solitaire available during calls helps me listen better! #lrnchat
08:50:35 pm criticallearner: RT @tomgram1: Q1 all fingers are fat #lrnchat
08:50:39 pm hbaloch: RT @Quinnovator: q1) how important it is to push the envelope by seeing how your mobile device can make you smarter #Lrnchat
08:50:59 pm minutebio: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:51:07 pm tomspiglanin: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:51:17 pm Keener1111: I?ve learned it is an amazing teaching/learning tool for my kids who have questions about EVERYTHING! #lrnchat
08:51:19 pm LnDDave: Better late than never for a #lrnchat party. Greetings All. Hope everyone is doing well this evening
08:51:19 pm JD_Dillon: A1) Mobile taught me what this means ?> ROTFLMAO #lrnchat
08:51:21 pm Quinnovator: RT @tomgram1: Q1 IDC research says that business is going Android?really? #lrnchat < no, apparently high returns, web data says iOS
08:51:27 pm Mrs_Dilly: Participated in my PLN more on Twitter & in Twitter chats #lrnchat
08:51:28 pm catherine_delia: @minutebio Everyone?s an expert now that you can just look it up. Esp. IMDB, saves arguing or incites them. :-) #lrnchat
08:51:31 pm Quinnovator: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:51:37 pm criticallearner: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:51:39 pm tomspiglanin: Good thinking! RT @Quinnovator: q1) also learned that having solitaire available during calls helps me listen better! #lrnchat
08:51:43 pm JD_Dillon: A2) On-the-go mobile research = Google #lrnchat
08:51:53 pm LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:52:06 pm CarlosNearpod: @nurseeducator You?ll like @nearpod then! We?d love you to try it! #lrnchat
08:52:07 pm Keener1111: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:52:11 pm minutebio: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) On-the-go mobile research = Google #lrnchat
08:52:17 pm Tracy_Parish: @Quinnovator has become a must have during viewing of anything. #lrnchat
08:52:23 pm Quinnovator: q2) all the time! Look up data/reviews of products, terms I don?t know #lrnchat
08:52:24 pm tomspiglanin: Q2) The Google is mobile. One of the simplest interfaces on the mobile Web. #lrnchat
08:52:27 pm Dave_Ferguson: On-the-go retrieval: get stuff from my blog, and esp. from Evernote, so things I?ve saved are always accessible to me. #lrnchat
08:52:30 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #Lrnchat
08:52:33 pm tomspiglanin: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) On-the-go mobile research = Google #lrnchat
08:52:37 pm JD_Dillon: A2) Mobile lets me contact anyone I know and ask a question w/o stopping my current activity. Research. #lrnchat
08:52:38 pm theASIDEblog: Without a doubt, mobile let?s us do research on the go. There is an app for just about everything you need. #lrnchat
08:52:42 pm catherine_delia: Yes. Apps, searching, Siri! RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:52:42 pm Quinnovator: RT @Tracy_Parish: @Quinnovator has become a must have during viewing of anything. #lrnchat < I confess same
08:52:54 pm JD_Dillon: A2) Because I can research anytime, anywhere, I ask more questions. #lrnchat
08:52:56 pm LnDDave: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) On-the-go mobile research = Google #lrnchat
08:53:03 pm ThomasStone: I wonder how #lrnchat folks reacted to MSFT?s Surface and Windows Phone 8 announcements this week? Appt?ly skeptical, but sounds promising
08:53:04 pm ActivateLearn: Q2) ALL THE TIME! Someone asks a question you don?t know the answer to? Whip out the iPhone. We rely on our devices too much. #lrnchat
08:53:04 pm CarlosNearpod: Q1 tablets and smartphones are powerful tools for learning, they are mobile, multimedia and more powerful than lot of desktops #lrnchat
08:53:13 pm dawnjmahoney: A2) of course I do! Google & Wikipedia r everywhere! #Lrnchat
08:53:16 pm theASIDEblog: If we can?t find it, we search it using mobile tech. #lrnchat
08:53:16 pm ActivateLearn: RT @lrnchat: Q2) Do you use a mobile device to do on-the-go research? If so, how? #lrnchat
08:53:20 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Because I can research anytime, anywhere, I ask more questions. #Lrnchat
08:53:23 pm minutebio: Q2) Sometimes need to use it to research health care jargon thrown around in meetings. #lrnchat
08:53:24 pm cybraryman1: Q2 Enjoy the ability to find information on the go is extremely helpful as well as apps such as WhereAmIAt? Tellmewhere #lrnchat
08:53:31 pm tomspiglanin: Q2) Dictionary app very useful research tool as well, especially when blogging while mobile. #lrnchat
08:53:39 pm criticallearner: Q2 #lrnchat I see a mag, photo article and look up author for more info, doc anytime/where with evernote
08:53:51 pm NurseEducator: Q2 I do quick searches all the time on my mobile device RT @JD_Dillon A2) On-the-go mobile research = Google #lrnchat
08:53:54 pm Dave_Ferguson: I think of Google as pre-search (preview of research): to find/recall facts. Wary if topic is technical, controversial, or both. #lrnchat
08:54:05 pm LnDDave: Q2) I am researching things on my mobile constantly: searching the web, scanning barcodes, checking location-based databases, etc. #lrnchat
08:54:06 pm Mrs_Dilly: Q2 have used Pocket app for saving the articles I use for research and read them later. #lrnchat
08:54:06 pm ThomasStone: Lots of smaller features sound interesting for both Surface tablets, and the Win8 phones? #lrnchat
08:54:07 pm CarlosNearpod: @Quinnovator terrible #lrnchat
08:54:17 pm Dave_Ferguson: @minutebio ?Iatrogenic.? #lrnchat
08:54:18 pm theASIDEblog: Our students are also a great resource for mobile learning. When in doubt, check with them. #lrnchat #edchat
08:54:27 pm JD_Dillon: A2) Mobile can improve decision-making through simple, on-demand info access. #lrnchat
08:54:28 pm tomspiglanin: Q2) Research: restaurants in vicinity by type, location of nearest Starbucks. Very useful while walking in San Jose #lrnchat
08:54:51 pm Tracy_Parish: Q2) dinner, movies, images, work policies, procedures, slide decks, docs, they all get looked at and researched during a day. #lrnchat
08:54:52 pm Quinnovator: q2) google, wikipedia, around me, yelp, urbanspoon (yes, I?m a foodie ;) , redlaser, consumer reports? #lrnchat
08:54:52 pm dawnjmahoney: A2) maps. Whereis the nearest Starbucks ? #Lrnchat
08:55:01 pm Training2U: Q2) i view much of what i learn on twitter as invaluable research, if for nothing else great idea incubators #lrnchat
08:55:05 pm tomgram1: A2) mobiles surveys, and sometimes make? calls #lrnchat
08:55:06 pm ThomasStone: The big thing, the holy grail, would be one OS backbone for now just two devices: tablet-laptop-in-one, and a smaller smartphone #lrnchat
08:55:09 pm Dave_Ferguson: @minutebio Also, nosocomial. #lrnchat
08:55:10 pm Quinnovator: RT @dawnjmahoney: A2) maps. Whereis the nearest Starbucks ? #Lrnchat < ah yes, google maps
08:55:20 pm tomspiglanin: Q2) Yelp restaurant reviews. Movie reviews. Directions. Even location at times. All examples of research while mobile. #lrnchat
08:55:21 pm JD_Dillon: A2) I read more L&D info on my iPhone than on my desktop. My iPhone is always on and within reach. #lrnchat
08:55:22 pm Mrs_Dilly: Q2 Used pocket app a lot last week while getting ready to present @AETC2012 found a gr8 article right before pres & used it! #lrnchat
08:55:22 pm catherine_delia: @ThomasStone Don?t know enough to react yet to Windows 8 and Surface. Will be cautiously optimistic. #lrnchat
08:55:34 pm nearpod: RT @jd_dillon: A2) Mobile can improve decision-making through simple, on-demand info access. #lrnchat
08:55:42 pm Quinnovator: RT @CarlosNearpod: @Quinnovator terrible #lrnchat < I resemble that remark ;)
08:55:58 pm ActivateLearn: Q2)However,will seeking of answers only rely on getting them from the first 2-3-4 items on Google?Do devices make us lazy with info?#lrnchat
08:56:12 pm LnDDave: Q2) I think instant mobile search is becoming so common that it?s not even thought of as ?research?; it?s just what we do. #lrnchat
08:56:13 pm tomspiglanin: Q2) Bizrate for pricing while in store. Also product reviews to help selection. #lrnchat
08:56:14 pm Tracy_Parish: @Quinnovator Do you see tablets as mobile devices? I know your arguments for laptops, but unsure of tablets. #lrnchat
08:56:21 pm ActivateLearn: RT @dawnjmahoney: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Because I can research anytime, anywhere, I ask more questions. #Lrnchat
08:56:23 pm JD_Dillon: A2) Honestly, what can?t I learn from my mobile device? If there?s a YouTube video or Wikipedia article, I?m covered! #lrnchat
08:56:25 pm Quinnovator: @ActivateLearn reckon we need good Personal Knowledge Management skills #lrnchat
08:56:36 pm tomspiglanin: RT @LnDDave: Q2) I think instant mobile search is becoming so common that its not even thought of as research; its just what we do. #lrnchat
08:56:38 pm CarlosNearpod: Q2 google app, wikipedia app, twitter and flipboard #lrnchat
08:56:42 pm catherine_delia: @Mrs_Dilly I find I have trouble going back to articles I?ve saved with Pocket. #lrnchat
08:56:45 pm minutebio: RT @Dave_Ferguson: Hold on I looking these up :) #lrnchat
08:56:46 pm theASIDEblog: @LnDDave Same, it?s great to be able to access info at your fingertips. It makes the library ?card catalog? seem like a dinosaur! #lrnchat
08:56:58 pm Quinnovator: q2) and, as the good Dr Jane says, Twitter knows her better than Google, so twitter?s also a good research tool #lrnchat
08:57:15 pm criticallearner: Oh great, the eggies starting up already. Folks, that egg is spam. #lrnchat
08:57:18 pm Mrs_Dilly: As an educator, sometimes I need to research what all the acronyms mean as they are hurled at us during meetings! #lrnchat
08:57:37 pm Quinnovator: @Tracy_Parish yes, I *do* think of tablets as mobile, but not the same as pocketables (PDAs, smartphones, featurephones) #lrnchat
08:57:38 pm JD_Dillon: A2) Mobile shows me how different work is from the real world. At home, I can learn anything. At work, different story. #lrnchat
08:57:41 pm tomspiglanin: @Quinnovator @dawnjmahoney not just maps, search-enabled maps and one-click directions. Great use of technology. #lrnchat
08:57:42 pm dawnjmahoney: I look at restaurants, discount shopping, Walgreens when on the road. Beaches? And to say what others r saying about ?whatever? #Lrnchat
08:57:45 pm ThomasStone: Q2) Mobile apps, along with Wikipedia/etc., mean huge changes for humanity in terms of what we need to have memorized. Early days. #lrnchat
08:57:58 pm Quinnovator: RT @tomspiglanin: @Quinnovator @dawnjmahoney not just maps, search-enabled maps and one-click directions. Great use of technology. #lrnchat
08:58:03 pm theASIDEblog: Mobile is great for sending info, too. What better way then to text yourself. #lrnchat
08:58:15 pm Tracy_Parish: It?s the millions of apps that put apple ahead. A keyboard is not a big selling point. I can buy that already for the iPad. #lrnchat
08:58:28 pm Quinnovator: RT @theASIDEblog: Mobile is great for sending info, too. What better way then to text yourself. #lrnchat < um, reminders? :)
08:58:35 pm NurseEducator: @CarlosNearpod @nearpod Thanks! Will review @nearpod Not using tablets in staff development but would love to. $$ #lrnchat
08:58:41 pm JD_Dillon: A2) Augmented reality apps redefine mobile research, let you see the world through an enhanced info filter. #lrnchat
08:58:41 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @tomspiglanin: @Quinnovator @dawnjmahoney not just maps, search-enabled maps and one-click directions. Great use of technology. #Lrnchat
08:58:43 pm LnDDave: Q2) I can?t remember the last time I made a substantial purchase without pulling out my phone to check pricing. #lrnchat
08:58:44 pm tomspiglanin: @dawnjmahoney Nearest bar often works for me ;-) #lrnchat
08:58:54 pm LnDDave: RT @Quinnovator: q2) and, as the good Dr Jane says, Twitter knows her better than Google, so twitter?s also a good research tool #lrnchat
08:58:58 pm Quinnovator: RT @LnDDave: Q2) can?t remember the last time I made a substantial purchase without pulling out my phone to check pricing. #lrnchat < ditto
08:59:02 pm ActivateLearn: @Quinnovator Fair enough. I believe we need to be discerning because we get so much information that it?s hard not to be confused #lrnchat
08:59:07 pm criticallearner: Q2 #lrnchat easily, my top two are gps (not really research) and twitter (v. Qualified research IMHO)
08:59:13 pm edCetraT: hello all Nancy here joining in a little late for a little while . q2) Yes. Yer name is SIRI #lrnchat
08:59:13 pm tomspiglanin: Me too RT @LnDDave: Q2) I cant remember the last time I made a substantial purchase without pulling out my phone to check pricing. #lrnchat
08:59:15 pm Quinnovator: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Augmented reality apps redefine mobile research, let you see the world through an enhanced info filter. #lrnchat < !
08:59:18 pm dawnjmahoney: Tee here! M yhereM RT @tomspiglanin: @dawnjmahoney Nearest bar often works for me ;-) #Lrnchat
08:59:21 pm JD_Dillon: A2) Since Soundhound, I?ve never said ?what?s the name of this song?? #lrnchat
08:59:22 pm minutebio: RT @LnDDave: cant remember last time I made a substantial purchase without pulling out my phone to check pricing. #lrnchat
08:59:26 pm LnDDave: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Augmented reality apps redefine mobile research, let you see the world through an enhanced info filter. #lrnchat
08:59:33 pm LambertJay: A2) I Google everything via mobile: maps, tool tips, restaurants, movies, kids? homework, recipes, spelling,?.you name it #lrnchat
08:59:35 pm Quinnovator: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Since Soundhound, I?ve never said ?what?s the name of this song?? #lrnchat < SO helpful
08:59:44 pm Training2U: #lrnchat is one of the best forms of research if u ask me! Q2
08:59:51 pm Keener1111: RT @theASIDEblog: What better way then to text yourself ? Agree! Or record yourself following a meeting. #lrnchat
08:59:58 pm theASIDEblog: @Mrs_Dilly We started teaching using acronyms to get kids familiar with common usage. Acronyms are a need to know. #lrnchat #edchat
09:00:11 pm dawnjmahoney: @JD_Dillon It?s like ur always wading my mind! #Lrnchat
09:00:15 pm Dave_Ferguson: @ActivateLearn Agree re confusion, but: easier access to trusted sources ( = good curation ). E.g, US?s Consumer Reports. #lrnchat
09:00:22 pm ActivateLearn: @Quinnovator Otherwise I would never eat out if I followed all those Urbanspoon reviews about our restaurants! #lrnchat
09:00:26 pm Tracy_Parish: @JD_Dillon mobile is changing that. Now that I have mobile at work, I can learn there what I want when I want too. #lrnchat
09:00:26 pm LambertJay: Can learn a lot in 140 char RT @Training2U Q2) i view much of what i learn on twitter as invaluable research? #lrnchat
09:00:29 pm tomspiglanin: Neil Lasher had interesting take on Siri MT @edCetraT q2) Yes. Yer name is SIRI #lrnchat
09:00:44 pm NeilLasher: Just wanted to say hello all from #mLearnCon still partying here in SJ so won?t join you but will read all later. #Lrnchat
09:00:45 pm JD_Dillon: @dawnjmahoney shhhhhh! you?re not supposed to know! #lrnchat
09:01:02 pm LnDDave: Q2) I also like finding answers to questions that come up at a meeting? While I?m still AT the meeting. #lrnchat
09:01:04 pm minutebio: RT @Keener1111: RT @theASIDEblog: What better way thnto text yourself ? Agree!Or record yourself following a meeting | or Evernote #lrnchat
09:01:06 pm NurseEducator: @CarlosNearpod @nearpod addendum Tablets not available in my department. When we completely convert to EMR this will change! #lrnchat
09:01:25 pm lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:01:29 pm dawnjmahoney: @JD_Dillon well that was embarrassing? ?reading?! :-) sound hound! #Lrnchat
09:01:31 pm LnDDave: @edCetraT hi Nancy!#lrnchat
09:01:32 pm JD_Dillon: @Tracy_Parish it?s also changing the rules at work. if people have their mobile access, taking away web access is useless (good!). #lrnchat
09:01:38 pm Quinnovator: q2) can also use linkedin forums to ask deeper questions, or Jane Hart?s Social Learning community #lrnchat
09:01:39 pm LnDDave: RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Since Soundhound, I?ve never said ?what?s the name of this song?? #lrnchat
09:01:44 pm Quinnovator: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:01:45 pm tomspiglanin: RT @LnDDave: Q2) I also like finding answers to questions that come up at a meeting? While Im still AT the meeting. #lrnchat
09:01:47 pm ActivateLearn: @JD_Dillon Yeah I miss laughing with my friends trying to recall the name of the song. Now, everyone whips out their phone! Boring! #lrnchat
09:01:57 pm minutebio: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:02:04 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #Lrnchat
09:02:17 pm tomgram1: A2) my blackberry bold excludes me from this question. So frustrating a frustrating web/app experience i give up #lrnchat
09:02:24 pm edCetraT: RT @Quinnovator: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:02:25 pm Quinnovator: q3) um, to pretend I?ve got a call to get out of an awkward situation? (Seriously, not) #lrnchat
09:02:32 pm tomspiglanin: @LnDDave Have done research in meeting when I needed ammo to shoot down an opposing (and wrong, of course) point of view. #lrnchat
09:02:38 pm JD_Dillon: A3) Access to a digital camera at all times solves so many problems! #lrnchat
09:02:42 pm tomspiglanin: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:02:43 pm LnDDave: @NeilLasher heard some great things about you from the #mlearncon backchannel Neil; sorry I missed it. #lrnchat
09:02:48 pm ThomasStone: @Tracy_Parish Right. Bigger diffs will be Office/etc. on tablet form-factor device + consistent OS for tablet/laptop and smartphone #lrnchat
09:02:52 pm criticallearner: My company blocks twitter, so all #mLearnCon awesomeness came via mobile #lrnchat (IT, your tactics don?t really work)
09:02:56 pm Training2U: Q2) always able to make sure that new release at redbox is reserved and ready 4 me #lrnchat
09:03:01 pm kelly_smith01: Q2) Problem w/LinkedIn forums is that sometimes they get off-topic content/comments. #lrnchat
09:03:06 pm Quinnovator: q3) have taken pictures of situation to show sales person; looked up troubleshooting info #lrnchat
09:03:09 pm tomspiglanin: Q3) Mobile to solve problems? Sure. I?m lost, where am I? #lrnchat
09:03:13 pm Tracy_Parish: @LambertJay oh exactly. Between twitter, Zite, Evernote. #lrnchat invaluable
09:03:17 pm LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:03:20 pm minutebio: Q3) Have used Twitter to ask for solutions and received them very quickly. Even answers to SCORM problems ? yuck #lrnchat
09:03:23 pm edCetraT: Q3) Yip. I use the apps to entertain my kids when they need to be quiet :) #lrnchat
09:03:23 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @tomspiglanin: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #Lrnchat
09:03:24 pm Keener1111: Currently downloading ?Sound Hound? ? thanks for that one :) #lrnchat
09:03:30 pm Quinnovator: RT @kelly_smith01: Q2) Problem w/LinkedIn forums is that sometimes get off-topic content/comments. #lrnchat < also twitter chats at times!
09:03:46 pm Quinnovator: @kelly_smith01 (not yours, but some others in the stream?sigh) #lrnchat
09:03:48 pm kelly_smith01: RT @Quinnovator: q3) have taken pictures of situation to show sales person; looked up troubleshooting info #lrnchat
09:03:48 pm JD_Dillon: A3) Mobile gives me greater control of my time. I can?t be in two places at once physically, but I can through cam/phone/text. #lrnchat
09:04:00 pm catherine_delia: lot of same ways as 4 research. RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:04:03 pm criticallearner: RT @LnDDave: Q2) I also like finding answers to questions that come up at a meeting? While I?m still AT the meeting. #lrnchat
09:04:04 pm elearningguy: Q3) My mobile device is one way to reach out to my #PLN. Its never far away #lrnchat #lurking
09:04:07 pm edCetraT: Q3) i use it when i?m lost. GPS. WAZE app. #lrnchat
09:04:13 pm criticallearner: RT @lrnchat: Q3) Do you use a mobile device to solve problems? If so, how? #lrnchat
09:04:17 pm LambertJay: Information access 24/7; Google & Evernote RT @Quinnovator q1) how a pocketable device is a great augment for our brain #lrnchat
09:04:19 pm Dave_Ferguson: @JD_Dillon Digital camera benefit: take pic of poster / flipchart / other legible writing; send to Evernote. Text > searchable. #lrnchat
09:04:25 pm JD_Dillon: A3) Construction level app ? simple problem of crooked frame solved! #lrnchat
09:04:33 pm Quinnovator: q3) took pics of current meds to take to new doc rather than list them all! also airport parking lot sections where I?m parked #lrnchat
09:04:36 pm Tracy_Parish: Q3 Mobile has caused some problems i?ve been told I should have just married my iPad. #lrnchat
09:04:43 pm dawnjmahoney: A3) already said it? Maps! #Lrnchat
09:04:44 pm tomspiglanin: Q3) Mobile to the rescue: ?This is a photo of the part I need. Do you have it?? #lrnchat
09:04:48 pm theASIDEblog: Mobile doesn?t restrict learning, districts do. Integrate, don?t isolate learning. #lrnchat #edchat
09:04:57 pm tomspiglanin: RT @edCetraT: Q3) i use it when im lost. GPS. WAZE app. #lrnchat
09:05:00 pm minutebio: RT @Quinnovator: taken pictures of situation to show sales person; looked up troubleshooting info | Same w PC hardware training #lrnchat
09:05:08 pm Tracy_Parish: @edCetraT A godsend in a restaurant. ;) #lrnchat
09:05:14 pm catherine_delia: Q3) Asking Twitter followers for an answer is a big one. Lots of people willing to help you solve problems. #lrnchat
09:05:15 pm LnDDave: Q3) I have settled many a spousal argument with a quick mobile search? Flip side is that doing so often starts new arguments. #lrnchat
09:05:20 pm dawnjmahoney: Fav response! RT @Tracy_Parish: Q3 Mobile has caused some problems ive been told I should have just married my iPad. #Lrnchat
09:05:22 pm nearpod: @lrnchat: Q3) Kids get out of class feeling that they have really had fun! #lrnchat #edtech
09:05:23 pm kelly_smith01: Q3) With mobile device you should be able to reach your learning network/job aids/experts #lrnchat
09:05:32 pm elearningguy: @criticallearner I think @JaneBozarth calls that ?Oh yeah? I have a smartphone, chumps.? #lrnchat
09:05:34 pm JD_Dillon: A3) Mobile allows more informed purchase decisions. Compare prices and read user reviews while shopping. #lrnchat
09:05:44 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @tomspiglanin: RT @edCetraT: Q3) i use it when im lost. GPS. WAZE app. #Lrnchat
09:05:49 pm Dave_Ferguson: @Quinnovator LinkedIn forums at times off topic, at times full of self-trumpeting via dopey Qs. Good about 10% of the time. #lrnchat
09:05:52 pm Keener1111: RT @Quinnovator: Both very smart ideas! #lrnchat
09:06:08 pm LambertJay: Jay Lambert, eLearning designer, Atlanta. Waiting on flight out of San Jose. My 1st #lrnchat
09:06:11 pm tomspiglanin: Q3) Mobile to the rescue again. ?What the heck is this thing? Anyone know?? #lrnchat
09:06:12 pm dawnjmahoney: A3) amazon on iPad rocks! #Lrnchat
09:06:15 pm LnDDave: Q3) I have often used mobile to prove an error made by a sales person or customer service representative. (Note: they hate that) #lrnchat
09:06:18 pm ActivateLearn: @Tracy_Parish My husband thinks the same.Until I set up a Twitter account for him. Now he may as well be married to that @TigerTex1 #lrnchat
09:06:20 pm elearningguy: @Quinnovator I do that trick at the airport, too! #lrnchat
09:06:27 pm minutebio: RT @kelly_smith01: With mobile device u should be able to reach your learning network/job aids/experts | & your Diigo bookmarks #lrnchat
09:06:33 pm Tracy_Parish: RT @catherine_delia: Q3) Asking Twitter followers for an answer is a big one. #lrnchat This is at the top of the list.
09:06:40 pm LnDDave: RT @edCetraT: Q3) Yip. I use the apps to entertain my kids when they need to be quiet :) #lrnchat << oh? So true.
09:06:53 pm edCetraT: RT @dawnjmahoney: RT @Tracy_Parish: Q3 Mobile has caused some problems ive been told I should have just married my iPad.>lol #lrnchat
09:06:59 pm tomspiglanin: Q3) Uh oh, I took this thing apart and can?t put it back together. Here?s the pic, can you help? Ok, dun with mobile to the rescue. #lrnchat
09:07:07 pm JaneBozarth: @elearningguy @criticallearner YES! Q: How can you help a learner whose org. blocks social media? A: Help them find a better job. #lrnchat
09:07:08 pm criticallearner: Q3 #lrnchat Access to folks beyond firewall with amazing speed via tweet, txt. And they are incredibly helpful. Connections
09:07:14 pm Quinnovator: @LnDDave on other hand, have gotten twitter staff to help when store or phone staff wouldn?t or couldn?t #lrnchat
09:07:17 pm ActivateLearn: @LambertJay Welcome to your first #lrnchat! :-)
09:07:24 pm theASIDEblog: @Dave_Ferguson @JD_Dillon Absolutely. Our students figured that out asap on the iPad. Don?t have image you need, snap one. #lrnchat
09:07:45 pm LambertJay: Always loved that RT @elearningguy @criticallearner I think @JaneBozarth calls that ?Oh yeah? I have a smartphone, chumps.? #lrnchat
09:08:04 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @catherine_delia: Q3) Asking Twitter followers for an answer is a big one. #lrnchat This is at the top of the list. #Lrnchat
09:08:08 pm edCetraT: q3) Call 9.1.1 to report a dangerous driver. #lrnchat
09:08:08 pm JaneBozarth: @Quinnovator I find I often get much better service via the company Twitter reps. Shame orgs push you to that point. #lrnchat
09:08:15 pm LnDDave: Q3) I don?t always have a pad and paper, but I can quickly sketch an spontaneous idea with my phone and a finger. #lrnchat
09:08:41 pm Training2U: Q4) Being able to capture all my notes and ideas rather than rely on pen & paper has solved a big problem for me #lrnchat
09:08:55 pm JaneBozarth: @LambertJay @learningguy @criticallearner Good evening, fellas. #lrnchat
09:09:10 pm LnDDave: RT @ActivateLearn: @LambertJay Welcome to your first #lrnchat! :-) << yes, welcome!
09:09:12 pm tomspiglanin: I have local police numbers saved for this very reason! Big problem. RT @edCetraT: q3) Call 9.1.1 to report a dangerous driver. #lrnchat
09:09:25 pm Quinnovator: @JaneBozarth @elearningguy @criticallearner How a learner whose org blocks social media? #lrnchat < social media cigarette break
09:09:26 pm tomgram1: keep forgetting to add the hash tag to my tweets here #lrnchat. Is there an app for that?
09:09:28 pm ActivateLearn: @JaneBozarth @Quinnovator That?s true. There have been many times where I have tweeted my frustration and get instant responses #lrnchat
09:09:42 pm Training2U: RT ?@JD_Dillon: A3) Access to a digital camera at all times solves so many problems! #lrnchat?/ so true! #lrnchat
09:09:44 pm Quinnovator: @tomgram1 tweetdeck will fill it in on replies #lrnchat
09:10:04 pm Dave_Ferguson: @tomgram1 tweetchat dot com
09:10:04 pm Tracy_Parish: Sorry. Early departure for me from #lrnchat. Need to drive home. Have a great night. Good to be back seeing old and new faces here.
09:10:14 pm criticallearner: @elearningguy @JaneBozarth or I like ?hey IT, I have more power in my pants than you?.? #lrnchat (me and IT not friends)
09:10:19 pm JD_Dillon: @tomgram1 best part of using Tweetchat, never need to remember the hashtag! #lrnchat
09:10:23 pm lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:10:24 pm jaycross: @tomgram1 Tweetchat was made for adding the #tag #lrnchat
09:10:26 pm Quinnovator: @JaneBozarth glad you?re here, took your name in vain earlier (well, quoted you on searching twitter first) #lrnchat
09:10:27 pm LambertJay: Thanks! RT @ActivateLearn @LambertJay Welcome to your first #lrnchat! :-)
09:10:39 pm criticallearner: RT @Tracy_Parish: RT @catherine_delia: Q3) Asking Twitter followers for an answer is a big one. #lrnchat This is at the top of the list.
09:10:40 pm catherine_delia: Q3) Yes, tweeting a company can get amazing responses. Everyone saw this today, right? #lrnchat
09:10:48 pm kelly_smith01: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:10:49 pm JD_Dillon: @Tracy_Parish remember, no mobile learning while driving! :-) #lrnchat
09:10:49 pm Quinnovator: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:10:50 pm minutebio: @Tracy_Parish Have a gr8 night #lrnchat
09:10:54 pm Mrs_Dilly: You can use anonymous poll apps or SMS poll numbers to get a quick opinion poll on how to solve a problem. Easy to set up & use. #lrnchat
09:10:57 pm tomspiglanin: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:11:02 pm minutebio: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:11:02 pm jaycross: Q4) Where am I?
09:11:06 pm KathyKitch: @tomgram1 #lrnchat You?re not the only one; I get so involved with flow and just plain forget. sheesh
09:11:19 pm edCetraT: g?night! RT @Tracy_Parish: Sorry. Early departure for me from #lrnchat. #lrnchat
09:11:19 pm Keener1111: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:11:24 pm jaycross: Q4) How do I say that in Italian? #lrnchat
09:11:28 pm NurseEducator: @criticallearner Q3 Completely agree re: firewall! Are there policies in your workplace limiting use of personal mobile devices? #lrnchat
09:11:35 pm LnDDave: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:11:37 pm JD_Dillon: A4) Mobile = real-time performance support, at work and at home. Bite-sized learning experiences when you need them. #lrnchat
09:11:42 pm jaycross: Q4) What?s the traffic like ahead? #lrnchat
09:11:46 pm tomspiglanin: Q4) How to fix. Where to go to find (fill in the blank). #lrnchat
09:11:53 pm tomgram1: @jaycross Back to Q1!. I learned this week that Tweetdeck was made for adding #lrnchat
09:11:54 pm Quinnovator: q4) gps, google maps, unit convertor, weather, the list goes on #lrnchat
09:11:54 pm edCetraT: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:11:57 pm JaneBozarth: Q4 often use travel apps at moment of need: tripit, hipmunk, gateguru, tubeexits? #lrnchat
09:12:01 pm CarlosNearpod: q3 with interactive content and iPads, learning has no geographical limitation #lrnchat
09:12:07 pm LambertJay: Agree RT @Training2U Q4) Being able to capture all my notes and ideas rather than rely on pen & paper has solved big problem for me #lrnchat
09:12:10 pm minutebio: Q4) Yes, who won best picture in ?54? #lrnchat
09:12:10 pm JaneBozarth: Q4 love apps for visits to zoos and museums #lrnchat
09:12:21 pm JD_Dillon: A4) How do I fix (insert car part here)? #lrnchat
09:12:28 pm ActivateLearn: @criticallearner @elearningguy @JaneBozarth If we?re having issues,imagine the frustrations with IT departments?No win for them. #lrnchat
09:12:31 pm dawnjmahoney: HilariuosM been thereRT @tomgram1: keep forgetting to add the hash tag to my tweets here #lrnchat. Is there an app for that? #Lrnchat
09:12:32 pm Quinnovator: @JaneBozarth ah yes, gateguru is such a help! iBart too, for me here in Bay Area #lrnchat
09:12:34 pm kelly_smith01: Q4) Don?t have a modern,fancy,hoity-toity mobile device now ? but if I did I would use it place of performance. #lrnchat
09:12:37 pm ActivateLearn: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:12:39 pm tomspiglanin: Excellent! My car-resident nav with traffic is a mobile device. RT @jaycross: Q4) Whats the traffic like ahead? #lrnchat
09:12:43 pm theASIDEblog: Mobile learning moves, changes, & adapts to needs. Kids get it, teachers should integrate it & be allowed to use it. #lrnchat
09:12:57 pm sourcePOV: Lol. What are friends for? :) RT @Quinnovator @JaneBozarth ?Took your name in vain earlier re: searching twitter first? #lrnchat
09:12:58 pm criticallearner: @NurseEducator yes, but it is my personal property, so they can sorta get lost as far as I am concerned #lrnchat
09:13:02 pm jaycross: Q4) Restaurant locator
09:13:15 pm ActivateLearn: RT @catherine_delia: Q3) Yes, tweeting a company can get amazing responses. Everyone saw this today, right? #lrnchat
09:13:21 pm kelly_smith01: Q4) Gr8 for art museums ? get alternate views/opinions of works of art. #lrnchat
09:13:22 pm JD_Dillon: A4) Is that really a word (Words with Friends)? #lrnchat
09:13:33 pm tomspiglanin: Q4) My favorite: finding information I need to rebut a (stupid) position. #lrnchat
09:13:34 pm LambertJay: Quote someone on Twitter & they appear! RT @JaneBozarth @LambertJay @learningguy @criticallearner Good evening, fellas. #lrnchat
09:13:38 pm jaycross: Q4) Do I need to take an umbrella? #lrnchat
09:13:38 pm Mrs_Dilly: Standing in home improvement store w/ no salesperson in sight, you search for a video or tutorial on how to fix ______. #lrnchat
09:13:42 pm NurseEducator: Q4 For the moment of entertainment needs: IMDb and Flixter. Navigator with GPS for travel #lrnchat
09:14:08 pm JaneBozarth: @sourcePOV @Quinnovator i wouldn?t want my name taken any other way #lrnchat
09:14:10 pm minutebio: RT @JD_Dillon: A4) How do I fix (insert car part here)? | & Toyota parts have QR Codes (they invented em) #lrnchat
09:14:11 pm theASIDEblog: @lrnchat Totally, everything from directions to researching a keynote speaker. #lrnchat
09:14:14 pm tomspiglanin: Ha! I knew that?s how you win all those games! RT @JD_Dillon: A4) Is that really a word (Words with Friends)? #lrnchat
09:14:17 pm criticallearner: RT @lrnchat: Q4) Do you use a mobile device to figure out how to do something at the moment of need? What types of things? #lrnchat
09:14:24 pm tomgram1: @KathyKitch ha! tweetdeck is the answer #lrnchat
09:14:25 pm JaneBozarth: @criticallearner @ActivateLearn @elearningguy YES. Then shut down email. #lrnchat
09:14:31 pm edCetraT: RT @jaycross: Q4) Do I need to take an umbrella? #lrnchat
09:14:33 pm jaycross: Q4) Interpret anything in Latin. Illegimati non carborundum. #lrnchat
09:14:53 pm ActivateLearn: @JD_Dillon If you?re learning a new language with a CD while driving a car, would that be ?mobile learning?? boom boom ;-) #lrnchat
09:15:01 pm kelly_smith01: RT @jaycross: Q4) Interpret anything in Latin. Illegimati non carborundum. #lrnchat
09:15:10 pm JaneBozarth: IT is like the librarian who believes her job is to protect the books from the people. #lrnchat
09:15:14 pm LnDDave: Q4) pulling up a fact that finally gets the guy spewing false info at a meeting to shut up. #lrnchat
09:15:15 pm Dave_Ferguson: ?I find Twitter on my device of immense value for obtaining cogent quotations.? ?Abraham Lincoln #lrnchat
09:15:17 pm tomspiglanin: Q4) What time is it in (fill in the blank) now? #lrnchat
09:15:38 pm edCetraT: Q4) Apps such as dropbox are great #lrnchat
09:15:39 pm JD_Dillon: @ActivateLearn Darn! Didn?t count the car as a mobile learning device too! #lrnchat
09:15:51 pm Keener1111: Q4) Recipes (also a foodie!), gym workouts, and fixing anything. #lrnchat
09:15:54 pm JD_Dillon: RT @LnDDave: Q4) pulling up a fact that finally gets the guy spewing false info at a meeting to shut up. #lrnchat
09:16:00 pm tomspiglanin: Sad?often true. RT @JaneBozarth: IT is like the librarian who believes her job is to protect the books from the people. #lrnchat
09:16:19 pm criticallearner: RT @LnDDave: Q4) pulling up a fact that finally gets the guy spewing false info at a meeting to shut up. #lrnchat
09:16:24 pm Training2U: Q4) used it just last week to figure out how the heck to get a mustard stain out of my tie #lrnchat
09:16:37 pm jaycross: Q4) Hmmm? Is my FitBit a mobile learning device? Very limited UI but changes my behavior. #lrnchat
09:16:40 pm ActivateLearn: RT @tomspiglanin: Q4) What time is it in (fill in the blank) now? #lrnchat
09:16:45 pm edCetraT: Q4) Texting seem to work for some students (during exams) :) ?shhh #lrnchat
09:16:51 pm Quinnovator: q4) to look up a word in a meeting so I understand better but don?t break flow of the conversation #lrnchat
09:17:03 pm JaneBozarth: Oh look there?s an lms spammer who seems to be trying to use every silly buzzword in one tweet #lrnchat
09:17:04 pm MarkColemanTX: Q4) used it to figure out how to pack a suit once #lrnchat
09:17:08 pm LambertJay: @LnDDave thanks. @tomspiglanin strongly recommended #lrnchat during #mLearnCon
09:17:09 pm jaycross: RT @JaneBozarth: IT is like the librarian who believes her job is to protect the books from the people. | Yeah. #lrnchat
09:17:15 pm catherine_delia: Q4) Moment of need: apps for weather, scores, shopping, searching, files, notes, pictures, blogging, GPS, directions, news #lrnchat
09:17:20 pm criticallearner: Q4 #lrnchat actually had to learn share point site setup real time. Phone and YouTube vids next to laptop was a lifesaver
09:17:23 pm anicole87: HAVE I TOTALLY missed #lrnchat? What a nerd. Been here the whole time.
09:17:38 pm Quinnovator: @Keener1111 yes, recipes: ?what uses these things left in the fridge?? #lrnchat
09:17:42 pm tomgram1: Q4) cooking. I love recipe apps on my iPad. How much cumin did i need again? Bitman?s is best interface and usability. #lrnchat
09:17:46 pm jaycross: Q4) To hop out of a bad session at a conference for one that?s getting great Tweets. #lrnchat
09:17:53 pm Quinnovator: @anicole87 not too late! #lrnchat
09:18:05 pm kelly_smith01: RT @jaycross: Q4) To hop out of a bad session at a conference for one that?s getting great Tweets. #lrnchat
09:18:05 pm Quinnovator: RT @jaycross: Q4) To hop out of a bad session at a conference for one that?s getting great Tweets. #lrnchat < vote w/ your feet!
09:18:25 pm JD_Dillon: RT @jaycross: Q4) To hop out of a bad session at a conference for one thats getting great Tweets. #lrnchat
09:18:28 pm Mrs_Dilly: @cdillard77 @rainydayplay RT?@JaneBozarth: IT is like the librarian who believes her job is to protect the books from the people. #lrnchat?
09:18:31 pm ActivateLearn: Q4). On a nightly basis when I?m knitting & want to get creative & get a bit ahead of myself. Access YouTube and Bob?s your uncle. #lrnchat
09:18:33 pm minutebio: RT @jaycross: Q4) To hop out of a bad session at a conference for one thats getting great Tweets. #lrnchat
09:18:38 pm bschlenker: RT @JaneBozarth: IT is like the librarian who believes her job is to protect the books from the people. #lrnchat
09:19:03 pm criticallearner: RT @jaycross: Q4) Hmmm? Is my FitBit a mobile learning device? Very limited UI but changes my behavior. #lrnchat I think so.
09:19:06 pm Quinnovator: RT @JaneBozarth: Oh look there?s an lms spammer who seems to be trying to use every silly buzzword in one tweet #lrnchat < yep, loser
09:19:08 pm dawnjmahoney: RT @jaycross: Q4) To hop out of a bad session at a conference for one thats getting great Tweets. #Lrnchat
09:19:26 pm LnDDave: Q4) On a trip to a largely Spanish-speaking community, used WordLens to translate signs instantly. #lrnchat
09:19:40 pm Training2U: RT ?@Mrs_Dilly: Standing in home improvement store w/ no salesperson in sight, you search for a video or tutorial ? #lrnchat /? hilarious!
09:19:47 pm elearningguy: @jaycross Vote with your Tweet! (with apologies to @hjarche) #lrnchat
09:19:52 pm JD_Dillon: A4) OpenTable solves the ?forgot to make a reservation to celebrate?? problem every time. #lrnchat
09:20:10 pm Keener1111: RT Quinnovator @Keener1111 yes, recipes: ?what uses these things? ? or looking up ?what is that wild and crazy ingredient?? #lrnchat
09:20:12 pm LambertJay: A4) still going with kids? homework, also directions, company or event info, terminology #lrnchat
09:20:32 pm audioswhite: Wow ? Its Thursday! Q4) checking calendar and the twitter to know what day it is and to get in on #lrnchat
09:20:33 pm lrnchat: Q5) How has having a mobile device changed how you access information? #lrnchat
09:20:38 pm Quinnovator: RT @lrnchat: Q5) How has having a mobile device changed how you access information? #lrnchat
09:20:53 pm kelly_smith01: RT @lrnchat: Q5) How has having a mobile device changed how you access information? #lrnchat
09:20:55 pm Quinnovator: q5) more ?in the moment?, less preparation research #lrnchat
09:20:56 pm craff2008: RT @nearpod: Using mdevices comes together w/ knowing what you are talking about? and being passionate about it, of course :) #lrnchat
09:20:59 pm tomspiglanin: RT @lrnchat: Q5) How has having a mobile device changed how you access information? #lrnchat
09:21:08 pm minutebio: RT @lrnchat: Q5) How has having a mobile device changed how you access information? #lrnchat
09:21:18 pm LambertJay: So true RT @JaneBozarth IT is like the

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